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Lonely at Lincoln Beach 10-22-23
[#0000FF]Weather forecrash was favorable, but nobody could or would go fishing with me. Went by my ownself. Neener neener. No boats went out the channel. Only a couple of short term rock hoppers all morning. Tranquility...except for having to keep messing with catfish.

Launched off the (slippery) rocks by First Spring, at Lincoln Beach (Utah Lake). Hit the water just after 7. Air temp 45 and water temp still a surprising 57. Thought it might drop a bit more with the low night temps we have been having. Was warming toward 59 as I got off the water about noonish...after running out of bait.

Started off fishing plastics and cranks, inshore, hoping for a tropical walleye. Nary a plink...even from a white bass. Worked shallow to deeper. Still no love.

As I moved out past the 5' depth I sailed out a small white bass on a bait rod. Took at least 17.5 nanoseconds to get bit. Hooked up to a feisty 2 footer kitty. Bendo at sunrise. Gotta love it.

Kept dragging bait on one rod and pitching plastics with t'other. Only a few micro munches on the plastics. No hookups. But got plenty of "catitude" on the bait.

I brought a half dozen baby white bass from the freezer...along with a few perch fillets from some of the dinks I kept last week from Starvation. Went through all of it. Fairly good hookup percentage. Even caught two fish on the same white bass a couple of times. Missed a couple of hooksets but both fish came back and played nice on the second visit. Most of 'em just posed for a picture and went back in the lake. I invited a few home for my last batch of smokitty for the year.

The cats were definitely actively feeding. But in the cooler water their battle was noticeably less energetic than in previous warmer water. Still, they bent my stick and zinged my string. Some pulled some line off the drag. Always fun.

Guesstimate I got somewhere between 12 to 14 cats. Smallest was a nice 21 inches. Largest about 27 inches. Most cat fans would be happy with that kinda day. I was.

Hey Pat, that sounds like a great trip... Glad you had a fun one... Thanks for the report... J
Looks like a good outing. Sucks when you find some many fish ya run out of bait. Great pics as always. That last pic is absolutely beautiful.
Sorry I was unconscious at the time you were launching. Comes from working nights. Nice to see the kitties are still wanting to play and nice to have the lake to yourself as well.
Thanks for another great report. It looks like the weather and the kitties did their part to make it a good trip. Much better than a blank when the toothier critters are off to a convention somewhere.
"Sucks when you find some many fish ya run out of bait."

[#0000FF]Some problems are better than others. Much better than not losing any bait to the fish and going home smelling like skunk.

Thanks for the kindly comments. Glad you liked the pic. I thought it looked interesting when I shot it. But you never know what the camera actually "sees" until you bring the pics up later.
"Much better than a blank when the toothier critters are off to a convention somewhere."

[#0000FF]As soon as I got launched I was apprehensive about the potential for scoring any walleyes. With the storm fronts moving through...with wind...the water was a murky mess. And although walleyes can forage in total darkness they prefer a bit of visibility to help their cause. I have found that I usually do better at Utah Lake after about 3 or 4 days of calm to allow the turbidity to settle a bit and the water to become that special greenish color.

When I was unable to even get a solid take from a white bass...or a bullhead...I was happy for all the catfish love I could get.
good on the cats, I think those eyes are just starting to come in with the water temp below 60deg, it seems like I have done better on them with water temps around 50 deg, did you make it around in front of the orchards.
[Image: download.jpg]
[#0000FF]I went as far as the L. Didn't see any vehicles or waders off the orchards so that should have been a clue as well. If the die-hard regulars ain't there it's a good bet the fish ain't neither.

I agree that the water needs to chill a bit further. Checking back over my logs from years past the better walleye action usually happens between about 50 and 55...and then slower but worthwhile even down to 45.
I was wondering if it was still muddy, I went down Tuesday after work, one of those days I watch outside, check the wind reports, watch the flags, not much good at work, hurry run down there to find out I need a surf board, it was really muddy then, I use those guys as a gauge on how good fishing might be for eyes. most of the bigger ones for me have been below 50deg.
[Image: download.jpg]
Another nice report Pat !
Very nice pictures...............
Glad to see the beach was cooperating with you.
I'm actually out of commission for the last week and will be prolly for a couple more(I'll have to tell you about it when we meet up again).
The grandson and I was out at the island a week ago yesterday and had an excellent day. Seen BLK with his crew while we were out.
Now, after I can get my little issues worked out I'm ready for a few more runs. I still have to abuse myself as I chase after the elusive to me walleyes.

Tight Lines
"I still have to [#FF0000]abuse myself[/#FF0000] as I chase after the elusive to me walleyes."

[#0000FF]Now that is a new tactic for trying to catch walleyes. Let me know how that works for you.

Sorry about your (implied) problem(s). Hope it is something easily remedied and that you can get back in action soon.

So far you haven't missed much on the walleyes. But as the water continues to cool that should change.

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