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Commercial Takes
Feel like getting your hackles up? I subscribe to a commercial fishing magazine just for kicks. How about these following kicks!<br>For the year 2001 these are the totals caught: Alaskan Salmon, 173 million fish. That doesn't include British Columbia, Washington, Oregon or California. Pacific Coast groundfish 2,123,325 metric tons. All Nations in the Tropical Pacific, purse seiners took 580,000 metric tons of Tuna, Yellowfin, Skipjack,Bigeye and Bluefin. California Squid, 127,096 "short tons", Coastwide Sardines 78.9 thousand metric tons. Swordfish landings in San Pedro by longliners was 2,642,172 pounds. Personally my catch of a fishing trip never includes the big ones. I'm not a purest but smaller fish normally taste better. George <br><br>George Van Zant<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A><br>
That is impressive it to bad that there isn’t any way to compare it to charter and individual fishing.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
I can't tell you how many times over the past 60+ years I have seen or heard about purse seiners wrapping up an entire fresh school of bluefin from our local waters. This would be the next day after a sportboat caught them. It is for certain that you must keep quiet about a new bite of tuna or albacore so the bad guys don't find out about it. Sometimes you might get away from them for a day or two but they always win. Have you ever watched them sail out of Los Angeles on their way to a hot spot of fish, It looks like the Normandy invasion. George<br><br>George Van Zant<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A><br>
To Concrete Hauler: Thanks for your re-action to my observations about the commercial fishermen. Truly, I didn't mean to cause such emotionalism, I was merely stating the facts. (1) from a magazine that printed all the results and (2) eyeball evidence of the massive fish taking efficiency of Purse Seiners. I spent many hours in the commercial end of the fishing scene, that being perch fishing to sticking broadbill swordfish, jack poleing albacore and long lining rock cod. It's a hard life and I found it impossible for me, coaching was much easier. I would really appreciate if you could direct me to those"state sites that show ... fishing cure for recreational blasts". Thanks for your reaction. George <br><br>George Van Zant<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A><br>

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