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Bear Lake White Fish
Is anyone going to big blue this weekend to catch some white fish? I'm thinking of going myself, but have never targeted the white fish. I thought I would see if anyone is going so that we could potentially team up and see if we can find and catch.
I was thinking of taking the boat up but the chance of snow is a concern to me towing my boat.
[#0000FF]BLFG is going out with a couple of other guys today to do some more prospecting. Said it was Antarctic conditions. Cold enough to freeze the brass off a well digger's monkey...or something like that.

The fish are coming in. Several reports of schools showing up and fish being the usual rocky places.

Scott reported that the canyon was brutal before they got it cleaned up by midday yesterday. As you well know, that road is bad on a good day. With snow and ice it is less than wonderful.

I was supposed to join Scott next Monday but a combination of a winter cold and a cold winter made me wimp out. I'll wait a few days.
I will pass for a few days. Not fun coming down that mountain and seeing the trailer slide past as one is trying to slow down.
Hey was wondering is there any good areas to fish from the shore. I tried cisco beach for a couple of hours no luck. Any other suggestions or is it only good fishing for boat guys. Thanks for any info.
Good question. From my experience it seems that whitefish move into some areas quicker than others. There are several points on the east side that are rocky. Any of those are great spawning grounds. Cisco beach is a great place. It drops off quickly. Usually best fishing is at first light. Maybe try some areas close to first and second point. I find that cisco beach usually fishes better in December. Message me BigD and I could give you some more pointers if you'd like. Fishing from shore you can be successful this time of year.
[#0000FF]There can be good fishing for whitefish right off the rocks outside the State Park marina. But it is hit or miss.

There are rocky stretches of shoreline all the way from First Point to beyond Cisco Beach. Whitefish can show up anywhere along there...and quite a few regulars have their fave spots to wade out into crotch deep water and cast from there.

The main thing is to time it right so the fish are within casting range. They move shallower and deeper through the season and through each day.

Pick a spot, wade out and start fan casting around. If you don't get any inquiries, move down the shore a few yards and start over. Once you find fish you can limit out fairly quickly.

Here's a pic of BFT whitefish fan GSP with a limit of nice whities caught near 2nd Point.
[inline "GSP BAG.jpg"]

And here is a map of Bear Lake with X marks where the whitefish typically show up best.
[inline "BL MAP.jpg"]
I'm thinking about dragging my boat up there soon but going to wait till the weather clears and the roads are passable to my standards.
[#0000FF]A wise choice. On those days when there is ice and snow on the roads it is not uncommon to see boats off the road...sometimes with vehicles attached.

As I often say, "I fish for enjoyment...not endurance." Better to stay home and be safe than to push the envelope and be on the evening news...or worse.

We have several weeks ahead of us still...for going after those silly whitefish. Bound to be at least a couple of windows of weather opportunity.
A few years ago I caught nice whites from my small aluminum boat off cisco beach jigging a meps spinner just off the bottom. Got some cuts too. Good fun but cold. Be careful of the wind.
Hey Pat, I'm wondering if the use of my image counts as a post? I'm at about 70 or so for 12 years of membership on BFT. Maybe I can get on the Premium board soon?????

"I'm wondering if the use of my image counts as a post?"

[#0000FF]I wouldn't "count" on it. Just glad it didn't crash the system.

You needn't feel too badly about not being able to read what's posted on the P board. For the most part there is a lot more meaty stuff on this board.
[Wink] Hey, I'm at 72!
At my age being in a hurry is not my bag. Getting there in one piece is what's it's all about for the enjoyment. The travel adds to experience and to the safety there of. [bobWink]
[#0000FF]Mayhaps I could "borrow" you a few. I'm almost to 29,000. What a blabber keyboard.

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