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Ice Fishing Courtesy
My goodness, I know most of us are crotchety old curmudgeons, but this whole thread irritates the living piss out of me.

First off, thanks for the lecture, Mom. Secondly, I'd like to give my two cents on some of the points brought up here. Hopefully k2muskie sees this before Curt busts out the edit/delete button...

[quote k2muskie][font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
Soon hopefully many folks including families will be out enjoying ice fishing what a great time is all’s I’ll say. Some are seasoned ice fishing anglers while others are brand new to the whole ice fishing experience.

Here’s some basic ice fishing courtesy recommendations:


Recommendations? Laughable. What I read was a list of "You better do things the way I want them done, or I'll kick your animal/make a scene/cry/boo-hoo/complain like the very children I'm complaining about, etc."

Quote:- Its not my responsibility to keep Buddy from getting into any exposed hooks I may have lying about. If Buddy is overly aggressive and tries to nip expect that I’ll defend myself. A gentle "shoosh" with a boot to start and more to come if they persist. I don't usually blame the pet. Unruly pets are usually a reflection of irresponsible owners.

There is no way my dog is going near your precious ice tent, but if for some reason she finds herself over there, if you so much as "shoosh" your boot at my dog, prepare to face my wrath. My dogs are part of my family and I'd react the same way as if someone was kicking my child. I don't care how much a persons dog interrupts your fishing, keep your feet to yourself.

Quote:-If you take children please watch them for safety reasons and please don't allow them to run all over the place yelling and screaming.

Are you kidding me? This is like telling water to stop being wet, the sun to not be hot, or ugly people to just be attractive -- it ain't happening. Welcome to planet Earth, and, oh ya, a public lake. I promise you that it won't be my kids out there screaming/running around, but even if it was, they have every g'damn right to be just as loud and goofy as they want. This is not the FLW Ice Fishing Championships, this is a public lake. To expect otherwise, or in your case, demand, is idiotic at best and reeks of selfish ignorance.

Quote:You may think it’s okay

That's because it is.

Quote:but again others are out enjoying and don’t appreciate children running around and carrying on like they are on the elementary school playground.

Really? Wow. Let me just turn this around and say "People that go out into a public place, that is outside, and is meant for family fun and recreation, have about zero right to demand that people recreate quietly." If YOU don't like the kids having fun (gosh darn those pesky kids, always tryin' to have fun n' stuff), then how about you go to a private fishery where you can be as stuck up and snotty as you'd like?

Quote:Unruly kids are usually a reflection of irresponsible parents.
Whining old people who have nothing better to do than complain about how out of touch everyone else in the world is are usually a reflection of self righteousness, selfishness, and plain ol' unlikability.
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
Quote:-If you packed it onto the ice, pack it off the ice. If you see trash do your part and pick it up not only on the ice but trails leading to the ice and parking lots. Your drilled ice hole isn’t a garbage disposal either…so don’t shove beverage cans, propane bottles, bait containers etc, etc in the hole.
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
-If Mama Nature calls be prepared have toilet paper, plastic bag, container (plastic coffee cans with lids work great the same goes for 2 liter soda bottles)...several times in the past we’ve come upon ripped up clothing left on the ice covering the human waste...totally disgusting.

-If you have a tendency to pound a few brewskis and/or drop a few choice words, please be mindful of others around you especially families with children. Just because you’re in a tent doesn’t mean you can’t be heard.
Hey, at least we don't disagree on everything!

Quote:-Don't ask to use another angler’s auger. If your auger isn't working politely ask another angler if they'd mind popping a couple holes for you.

If someone asks me to drill a hole for them, I'll kindly laugh in their face, point at my auger and say, "Have at it, big boy." There is no way in Hell I'm going to drill a hole for someone else that isn't crippled or 80+ years old (Yes, that means I'll drill your holes TD). Want to borrow my auger? It's all yours. No worries.

Quote:These are just a few reminders when out on the ice with others. Please share your recommendations. Have a great hard deck season!!!
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Here's my recommendation: Stop taking yourself so seriously. Seriously.
Well this just got interesting.[bobWink]
Very interesting [fishon]
+ 1 Dave

Funny how people get worked up...
+1 TroutBumDave

I was thinking the same thing! Well said.

Aint it great to have different opinions!? Hopefully the admins will let this one ride out for once. Can't have healthy exchange of ideas when everything gets locked up all the time.
Thankyou Troutbumdave! I agree with you on pretty much every point you just made. My children are all grown up and moved out, but it doesn't bother me one bit when I see other people's kids laughing and playing on the ice. In fact, I think there is no sweeter sound than kids just having fun.

It seems to me that if you don't want to be in a city on the ice, then you need to be willing to walk alot farther than everybody else. The areas that are the most accessible WILL be crowded, it's that simple.

Lighten up people, fishing is supposed to be fun.

The things they do look awful cold. Hope I die before I get old.
You just made me feel better about my post and how confrontational it was, so thanks.

This reminds me of setting up my raft at Rockport earlier this year, going to park my car and coming back to some idiot standing there watching this pack of kids he was tending going through my stuff in my raft, messing with the mooring lines, looking in my bags. I yelled out, "Hey, what the hell??!" and they just sort of meandered away with no apology or any other words uttered. Unfortunately the truth is that a lot of people who take their kids outdoors for recreation are not responsible parents. From what I've seen, the kids get the idea that being away from civilization means that they can act like little jerks and the parents then let them.

It's nice that I have my dog around when I fish, not only because she's fun to have around but because she watches my back and growls at anybody that comes near. It's true that a dog keys in on the emotions of their owner, and while it may seem like I have an unfriendly dog it's probably best that she scares people's kids off most the time because if not for that buffer, those kids would get told about all the things that are wrong with their behavior in unfriendly terms and dogs would get the same thing except with body language and ultimately physical contact from boot to dog should the dog's activities include aggression or urine on my stuff.

You're wrong, my friend, and I'm sure the anger you're expressing is coming out because you've had past experience with trying to exercise your option to be a jerk and being told what's what. The world isn't going to change, I'm not going to change and if you're not going to change you should take pains to be off by yourself.
How Sad that your dog growls at every person that walks by and you feel like that is an extension of your own personality. I hope that one day you can be happy.

If you are that irritated by other people, it is you who should take pains to be off by yourself. The tent cities will always pop up around the parking areas, there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Just walk farther, that's what I do.
I definitely do take a lot of extra effort to get away from everyone else, including not even starting out by fishing in the most obvious or best place on a lake even if it's empty. The dog doesn't scare everyone off, just a couple months ago I was fishing at Tibble Fork with someone's adorable little girl enjoying sitting next to my dog and my dog enjoying getting pet for a couple hours. Well behaved kids and cordial adults are magically ok to the dog, imagine that. She also has an immediate affection for anyone holding a fishing pole.

Kids (or adults) running around, yelling, not respecting personal space or my stuff set her off. She doesn't bite but she does bark, growl and do a little rush. I've never actually encouraged it but I don't discourage it because it ends up being a perfect situation for me. Since specifics are often left up to interpretation when having a discussion in text, I want to be clear....I'm talking about kids and people running up and around my setup close enough to jump over anchor lines and ice holes with poles with lines in the water. It's not ok and parents who think it's ok to have their kids running around on other people's things like they're in their own home are wrong.
TBD wins the internet [Smile]
Interesting about just ignoring this thread from here on! We'll see if anyone posts anymore about this explosive topic.[bobsleeping]
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!
Well dang TBD do you have a burr under the ole Saddle or what...take it you don't care for me...that's fine but you don't know me and probably even better...haha...just got done with a great dinner and before the lock I felt a need to respond to your hmmm rather hateful post against me on nothing more than recommendations...

These are just recommendations you TBD see them as off the cuff and out of line and piss you off...oh well it is what it is. Kinda sounds we won't ever cross paths and share...that's okay..

Obviously you haven't read some of the posts and have a burr against be it as all your comments were directed at me and me only why the hate.

Like I stated earlier (you obviously didn't read) I have kids and grandkids have taken them out fishing along with helping with other children on the ice and in GTG and had a great time but they are respectful of us and others and equipment of ours and OTHERS. Wait till one of your kiddos if you have any and take any out...fall into an ice hole help themselves to another anglers equipment or gets seriously hurt with a fall on the ice...then you can see again only recommendations.

Next we also have 5 grand doggies and one our own loving lab we love dogs and again a dog will only be aggressive and defend its owner and the owners property as we have seen it if the dog is trained...dogs know and can sense on the masters behalf. Its the dogs that aren't trained and have no boundaries on the ice including owners that allow the dogs to run all over the place that are concerning...wait till one nips/bites at you or a family member or a child you have taken out ...thinking your tune may change.

Letting people use your equipment...Ive done that but to have a child come over pick up my auger and start pounding it on the ice...well...hmmm...did I stop it you bet did I show the child what to do you again wait till it happens to YOU TBD. Better yet wait until you let some adult use your auger and pulls the cord all the way back numerous times and busts it off and says hey dude sorry and walks away and leaves you with a busted auger...see that happen too. I've taken the time to show and educate folks who I let use my equipment.

If this post stepped on your toes TBD by these recommendations it seems you have an issue with me and an anger problem with me...I've posted the same exact info on several forums and no issues and all have been positive comments and nothing demeaning against me unlike your be it...maybe you need to look in the mirror and if you see allowing kids to run around and amuck potentially having injuries, falling in ice holes and helping themselves to others equipment as their own and seeing that okay so be it...again this post was RECOMMENDATIONS...ignore it if it offends you THAT bad

OBTW TBD...we don't fish in the crowds and maintain our distance and we have moved without saying a word. I doubt we'll ever meet and probably for the best as you seem to have anger issues and a dislike for me...fine that's how I see it...but I've done plenty of good for a lot of folks that you'll never see or even care to know about...again okay by me...have a good night and maybe you need to get over the hate you have against me as HATE is a very powerful word...thanks for listening and thank you mods for not locking this post as everyone has their opinion...Good Night and lets hope it stays that ice...
So far K2 we haven't needed to lock or edit anything here. Everyone has been good at following the rules of the board so far.
Sorry k2 this isn't directed to you, but all in general:

I fully believe in karma as a whole and as a fisherman, in all my years of fishing (many) I have yet to have a serious problem with any other fisherman. Karma?

If I did though I would like to think that I would let it slide off my back. For me life is far too short to worry about such things, and after all isn't that why I am fishing? To find peace within myself and joy in the life God has given me. I love fishing because it is a chance for me to commune with nature, and given the ruckus the rest of life can create finding my self lost at the lake under any circumstance is better than most alternatives.

I hope I have taught my kids to love and respect the world we live in and the people we share it with, because I can't see a bigger purpose. It is that purpose I fill most in tune with while waving a stick in a river, on a boat or over the ice. Best wishes[Smile]
K2 -

Dude, I have no idea who you are, let alone hate you. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but at the same time, I should be free to respond. I obviously didn't take your post as "recommendations", but rather, it read a lot like one big ol' complaint/rant. I'm down with rants, as 900 of my 1,000 posts are probably rants, but yours was absurd to me and had no basis in reality.

Anyhow, I've got three kids, we fish a lot. They have fallen into ice holes -- it was HILARIOUS each time it happened. I've fished hard core for nearly thirty years and have experienced every scenario you mentioned on multiple occasions. I never felt the need to make a post about any of it though. Now, if the subject were skiers and jet boats that feel the need to blast rap music through their boat speakers loud enough for the whole county to hear... Well, that would be a different issue. 😙

All things being said, I do want to apologize for coming off so negative; that's a nasty habit I am constantly working on. FWIW, I've always wanted to hunt Muskie with you guys and have never had an issue with you personally.
TBD, I agree with all you said EXCEPT about your dog. Just because you think it's your baby doesn't mean everyone else does. And if you don't control it and keep it out of my space, and if it comes over around me being a nuisance, you'd better believe it's getting the size 15 in it's doggy butt. Keep it in your camp, that's your responsibility as a dog owner. And I'm pretty sure leash laws apply on the ice too. I like dogs, until they pee on my stuff, stick their nose in my lunch or tangle themselves in my lines, which has happened.
But I totally agree kids will be kids, and I actually enjoy hearing happy kids having fun on the ice and I am always happy to show a few tricks when I'm catching. I have young kids myself and they need to be out there and not watching tv or playing xbox all day. Tight lines.
Good point. I guess I feel the same way about my kids now that I think of it. I tell my three older brothers that if they see my kids acting up, being disrespectful, etc. that I want them to bring the hammer down. Suppose the same could be said for my dogs, although I'd be shocked if they ever did those things you're talking about.
TBD no harm no foul by me. [cool]

Each has their own opinion and when reading something on the internet and not having personal interaction can lead to misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the message and including target fixation on only one thing being read.

As I even started out saying recommendations and mentioned families out having fun and enjoying. However the message was lost on one point for some...unfortunately their are irresponsible parents who see nothing wrong in their child's behavior that's a Sad reality and is if you looked at all the recommendations all except maybe two point to adult behavior as being unacceptable and irresponsible.

As I indicated I've had outings with children and have helped parents with children. One time at Newton a Dad was out with his two sons maybe 8-10yo...he came over and said I've been watching you two catch fish what are you doing as we aren't catching anything...I showed him and we gave our rods to the kids showed them how to use the flasher and within a minute or two the kids were pulling up fish and having a blast. The Dad pulled us to the side and said THANK made my day and its great to see my boys catching fish Thank you so much...Had other instances of a Dad with his young boy and girl as I recall trying to cut holes with a manual auger...I loaded up the auger in my sled walked over to him as they were like 50 yards away and said hey let me pop a couple holes for you...little later they came over to us and we put rods in the youngsters hands and again here come the fish and a whole lot of Smiles and laughter watching the kids catching fish. That's what its all about...having fun

I have no problem hearing kids having fun its great...however and unfortunately there are other instances that I previously mentioned where the child's behavior is totally unacceptable and is the result of irresponsible parents.

Again no harm no foul by me you voicing your opinion...Have a great day...[Smile] [Smile]
As a general reply to the thread and to nobody in particular...

To avoid nearby crowding on the ice, just Smile at the invader and hand him a couple Jehovah's Witness tracts.

That's the last you'll see of them.
[#0000FF]Be of good cheer and heed not the rantings of the naysayers and pot stirrers. 'Tis the season of discontent, when anglers must adjust to the change between soft water and hard. The idle time in betwixt doth trouble their souls, and mighty is their ranting and rending of fellow anglers who post helpful things upon the Internet. For verily, their vision is clouded and they see not the good in those posts, but find only those things upon which they can pounce.

Peace...not pieces.

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