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My bass pro master saltwater catalog came today. Now to mark it up with a highlighter and to leave it around the house strategically opened up to certain pages where mamatrout can find it.[Wink] maybe, just maybe something will show up here in just under a couple months.[cool]
That's a good idea. Very sneaky to leave it open to a highlighted page.

I finally found a BPS they opened up about 60 miles from me. It is too dangerous for me to go in there. I end up spending $1k just stepping in the door. [crazy]
It's about the same with Cabelas. It gets very expensive for me when I walk in. Last time I went in I came out with three fishing rods.

Now we will see how the subtle hints go. My wife usually ignores me when it comes to the catalogs. Lol[bobhappy]
I found a way to get around that. If I was to leave something highlighted in the BPS catalog or Cabelas, right next to it I will leave a Victorias Secret catalog with a new highlighter color. Both of us get our wish list accomplished. [angelic]
Now that's an idea.[Smile]
[Wink] I wasn't born yesterday and to last 30yrs in my marriage, so far, has required some careful engineering and several colors of highlighters. [sly]
Not a bad Idea!! I use the excuse that Im buying used gear and got a deal, you would be suprised how much used gear in great shape avaible at 1/2 of retail. I use a app called offer up. alaways gear being posted! Craigs list is ok but lots of shady buiss going on there. Hate to say it cause be such a great recource if you could trust people moe. Smaller sites rather than ebay as prices tend to be high there! I like the catalog Idea as people these days want to put there money to good use as we are well most on a budget. Good luck in your search for gear and hope Santa delivers. Last I heard was if you belive you receive!!!!!
My brother uses eBay all the time and I personally think he is over paying for the gear. I haven't used eBay in years. I love bro using through the catalogs I get. May be old school but helps me to know what I want before I go on line and get my self into trouble.[Wink]
I have built a nice collection over the years. I have a handful that I have carried since childhood in fresh and saltwater gear, some that I have purchased as "Experienced" equipment and tons of new stuff from past and present sponsors.

I never bought anything online since I like to see and feel what I am getting. The experienced equipment I have purchased came from a couple of local tackle shops. One of them you are familiar with since they seem to know you. When I go in with my BFT hat or sweatshirt on, they always ask me..."How is Bobby?".

Back to subject of gear. lol

I get some quality stuff which I like to use for specific species. I may use a similar set up for Wahoo as I do Barracuda but they are different from a setup that I use for Rooster fish, different from Dodos and way different from my gear for Ling Cod.

I currently have a 422 rod collection. Light, Med and Heavy Salt and fresh water. Ice fishing, Fly fishing, bait casting, Jigging, Surf Fishing, Bass flipping and spinning as well as Spey Casting rods. 300 of them were from sponsors.

I have close to 350 reels for many of the aforementioned rods. 28 of them were directly purchased from the "Experienced" section in the tackle shops.

I am not afraid nor against buying "Used" or "Experienced" equipment as long as it works. After all, there is a difference between fishing and "Spooning". [cool]
Well it's on it's way
It's a bass pro gold cup GDC 30
Way to go. wooooo hooooo[cool]
It's here! And it's huge...not used to using one of these. Time to spool it up and play with it in the park.
After spooling it up, you need to get the line wet before it expires on you. [sly]
You can practice casting that at Bear Lake. Take your boat to the middle of the lake. Tie a 3 or 4oz weight on the end of your line and throw as far as you can without birdnesting. Be sure to set your cast control in case you need it.

In the big salty we have an expression we use to let people know why they get the birdsnest. We say "Don't be dumb, use the thumb" lol

You may become good friends with that reel once you have a good casting technique worked out. [cool]
I'm used to smaller bait cast reels. I have a park right across the street I was planning on trying it out on. I will spool it up with some cheap line on to learn with then put some 30 lb Berkeley large game stuff on when it's time to use it.
That sounds like a good idea. Some parks in my area have open areas and some dont.

That would give you an opportunity to become as one with your new reel. Try different weights and different settings.

I have some of the old Jigmaster 500 reels that I can cast close to 120 yds.

On most the boats little casting is required unless you are targeting big game and need to sink one into a baitball or need to throw one "Uphill" on a good drift.[cool]
I think I created a monster. Ever since my daughter saw the reel last night she has been telling ménage wants to catch a shark.[cool]
She sounds like a normal person to me. Monster?? Only if she wants one for each hand. [cool]
She just wants to have her picture taken with it after she catches it.
Are you bringing her with you on your next trip? I can arrange for a Shark fishing trip when you get here. 2 El Nino events ago, I caught an 8 foot Lemon Shark near the end of February.

I was using my Okuma Pursuit rod which is only 4'6" but rated for 80lbs with the Okuma Catalina reel rigged with 30lb Trilene Big Game blue line and a 200lb steel leader with 16/0 hook chunked with 1/2 of a pacific makerel.

The Shark was close to 300lbs and only fought like a fish of 150lbs.

It only took 2 hrs to land. I started on the Pier in Port Hueneme and ended up having to land it on the beach. The shark was release just in time for me to leave so that I could catch my sportie boat at 4am. [cool]

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