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Starvation Conditions
Taking the family up to Starvation this weekend. Just wondering if there has been much snow on the ice? Im kinda worried with the warm weather this week there might be a lot of slush? I learned first hand that slush + kids = wet feet = bad trip. Thanks for any advise.
I was there today...very cold and no slush. only about 1-3" of snow in places.
I was in Rabbit Gulch today. It was 14 degrees when I arrived and 34 when I left at 4pm. I haven't checked the forecast for the Duchesne area but I bet it will be warmer this week. Like was posted previously, there were a few inches of snow on the ice. The ice was really thick and clear. You may want to take a plank just in case the edges start getting soft later in the week.
Were you the fella with the two dogs? If so, we were in the blue Clam several hundred yards to your west.
No I was holed up in that red quickfish 3. I could barely see y'all way over there. Did you do any good?
It was worth the walk. But we still had to drill and move a bunch to get them.

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