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These nigerian web scammers are everywhere.
I just had to post this message I received

I just got this Fishing Form Private message from homepage a new member of

These Nigerian web scammers are everywhere.

Hello Friend,

I'm Mr. PATRICK MOOREIN a financial consultant. I have a client (a widow) and she has Funds (USDM35, 000,000.00) Thirty Five Million United States Dollars with a Bank which her late husband deposited.

She wishes to invest in a stable economy and her interest is in companies with potentials for rapid growth in long terms. My client is interested in placing part of her funds into your company or private businesses, if your country's bi-laws allow foreign Investors/investment. You can contact me for more details with your reference.

Yours faithfully,
those scammers kill me , i agree they are every where
They are everywhere! They proliferate on dating websites and are sheltered by their government to run multi billion dollar businesses. Pictures of lovely single young ladies show up as just a few miles from me, but more likely they are stolen pictures and the person is an 80 year old man in a cubicle running scams in thousands of places and uses copy and paste and likely is poorly educated and doesn't speak English. Even the copy and pastes made for them are poorly written. After a while, I've learned to spot them to not waste time. But, my best method to insure sincerity is to not bother with correspondence much in favor of actually meeting which is something a scammer in Nigeria or more lately Ghana, Africa can't do. I gave up with dating websites as they are mostly false profiles from Ghana yet pretending to be in local cities.

Any single young ladies want to go fishing with me?
Looks like I got the same one.
The best way to handle these spammers is to sent a PM to a mod or admin. They can report it to someone or they can have this persons account disabled.
This happened last night and this members account has been disabled.
Here is an alternate way to handle the spammers
LOL, thats pretty funny, although, I doubt I'd spend that much time messing with that guy, just isn't worth it. Hard to tell if that guy did either, since he is a comedian. Could be something he just made up to get a laugh, if that is the case, it worked, it got me laughing[Wink].
I recently got a call from a guy, who spoke broken English, announcing that he was from Microsoft. He asked how my computer was running and I told him it was running great. He said that was strange because they had received reports that someone was trying to break into my computer. I told him the only one trying to break into my computer was talking to me on the telephone right then. I said, "I am not going to give you my credit card number and I am not going to let you download anything onto my computer, so what are you going to do?" After muttering something he hung up.

A day or so after that I got a call, again from someone who spoke broken English, and was told that I was going to receive 5 million dollars and a new sports car from the government. He gave me a choice of the color of the sports car, that they would be delivering that afternoon, and I asked for white. He then explained that I needed to pay $150 for some type of transfer fee. I told him to just deduct it from the 5 million that I was receiving and he said that he couldn't do that. I told him that he wasn't going to get $150 from me and that I did not appreciate having dishonest people calling me. He responded that he was an honest man and I said, "and I am also the tooth fairy!". He also hung up after muttering something.

I can't wait until I get called again from the guy, who speaks in broken English, letting me know that I have cheated the IRS. I have received that call at least a 1/2 dozen times and I have had lots of fun with those guys also.
You must be one lucky guy to get that many calls from folks trying to scam you[Wink]. I've never got calls like that but then again I never pick up calls from numbers I don't know. I figure if it is important enough, they will leave a message. Then I have heard those that tell me they never leave messages because people never call them back. To that I answer, maybe thats because they don't want to talk to you[angelic].
Because of working from home I receive calls for my full-time work and my moonlighting work from lots of different area codes, so I pick up most of the unknown calls. It is surprising how many people move from one state to another and keep their old cell phone numbers for years after moving.
You will pleased to know that I just emailed Albert, a Malaysian attorney for my deceased relative, that because I am already a wealthy man that I don't need the $18,755,000 that I am entitled to inherit. I authorized him to donate the entire amount (less his reasonable legal fee, or course) to the Red Cross. I have a hunch that his "legal fee" will go unpaid.
LOL, it will be interesting to read a response[Wink]
That's just pure gold!

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