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Surf Casting
Help! New York Surf Caster Stuck in California Looking For any locations that might produce anything. I really do not want to resort to a pier.<br><br>
You have alot of great local anglers in your area that post to this board. These Anglers are the top of the line. You will get the info you need from them as they love to help. I'm not familliar with the Long Beach area as I spent most of my time in California in the Bay Area and Santa Cruse. <br>I would like to give you a little pointer, You are not stuck in California, you are an east coast transplant. Once you get your roots in you will have a great time there. I do remember that there is some small beach areas up around Big Surr that was good surf fishing. Just had to be verry carefull about a strong undertow in that area. Rt 1 is one of the nicest seanery I have ever traveled.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
You need to be a bit more specific on where you are at and intend to fish before we can advise you.<br><br>
Jan, He made a post in freshwater that said that he is in Long Beach.That is why I mentioned Long beach in My post to him. In hopes that you would catch it.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
There is no surf in Long Beach. Now and then during a southern exposure storm the waves may break as far Cherry Street( from the Alamitos Bay Jetty). But there is fishing from the beach all the way from the Downtown Marina to the Alamitos Bay Jetty about 3 miles. You really don't need to cast, all the fish are at your feet. Some very large corbina are taken along the entire strand and I saw 25 pound halibut caught off Cherry Beach about 30 feet from shore. If you want true surf you will have to go to both ends of Los Angeles from Seal Beach south to Torrence Beach north. Your best bet is to go to the Big Fish Tackle Shop on Seal Beach Blvd and Pacific Coast Highway in Seal Beach. They will give you the skinny on all it takes to surf fish in the area. Let me know and I'll meet you there, if possible, because I frequent the store most every day for a coffee and a few tales. George<br><br>George Van Zant<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A><br>
Hi George,<br><br>We are having a tournament at Cherry Beach this Saturday. The White Sea Bass must have been biting last week? Can you make it this week?<br><br>Kiyo<br><br><br>come catch a legal Halibut!<br>
Would like to thank everyone for the info that was given to me. Sorry on not being very specific to my location and inted fish preferances. If it helps I am located in Long Beach. I am used to fishing for stripers on long island. There we fishes jetties to big rocks swimming to some of them. The best areas were around the power plant out flows. I am interested in checking out the white bass tournament this weekend but am not sure were cherry beach is. Thanks again.<br><br>
I used to fish Torrey Pines in San Diego a lot, got tired of the conventional tackle and started using spinning gear and light line and fishing the wash with lures like spoons and plastics and caught a lot more fish (don't discount sandcrabs and worms for bait) and had a whole lot more fun overall.<br><br>I even went out there with a fly rod and some little grey and orange flies I put toghther and caught fish.<br><br>
Check-Out My Buddies Matt, William.."I Am A Member,Also" Straight Scoop...! See You On The Water....<br><br>
Hello All,<br>Kiyo, I've heard a lot of great things about Bay Tubers! What are the highlights from the tournament this weekend and what other events do you have coming up in the future?<br><br><br>[laugh] How about a good laugh?<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br><br>Mike H

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