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Woodruff Reservoir???
Any one fished or been by Woodruff lately.

Thinking about sailing my pontoon this weekend and wetting some buggers with sinking line.

How low is the water?
Never caught a white fish out of there, only cuts.
Does anyone know what strain of whites are?

I don't think it gets stocked very often so all should be natural spawners.
Haven't been up since mid summer, betting the water is pretty low, should be able to park down by the water for an easy launch, let us know how you do. I have take. Some nice Cutt's out of there. Are they Bonneville?
Heres one I brought home for supper. Fished the reservoir solo Sunday morning.
Thought they are Colorado Cuts, but not sure. This one went 17". Caught on a bugger with sinking line.
Very cool, I'd like to try and get some ice fishing in up there this year.
I'm not sure which way Woodruff drains to but if its toward Bear lake its a Bear lake cutt. Colorado river Cutts are around the North and South slope of the Unitas or rivers that drain into the Green river drainage.

This article calls them Colorado Cuts.

Their spots drop to their tails one way to tell.
I fish there frequently through the ice. Never caught a whitefish. I'm pretty sure Bearlakefishguy chimed in a couple years ago and said that bear lake whitefish were in there. Maybe he can chime in.
I was asked to jump in on this post.
#1 The cutthroat trout in Woodruff Creek Reservoir (and Birch Creek Reservoir) are Bear River Bonneville. If you are catching them for the UDWR Cutt Slam, they would be Bear River.
#2 The whitefish found in Woodruff Creek Reservoir are Mountain Whitefish and they can grow quite large in Woodruff Creek (I've seen fish up to about 3lbs in there).
Hope that helps clear things up
Thanks for the info. What sources are you using on the cuts. I couldn't find any stocking reports.
Great! Thanks for the clarification.
All natural reproduction on the cutthroat trout. The stream above the reservoir was totally blown-out in the 2011 floods, but the stream is healing and the cutthroat are recovering.
There are a few sources from 25 to 30 years ago saying the lake had Colorado Cutthroat in it. Although everything written in the last ten years points toward the cutthroats being of the bear river stain. I changed the info on the page.
Ya rhanks guys, I compared the pictures between the Bear Lake and Woodruff cuts, looked identical.

So much for dropped spots to the tail.
I thought I was so smart!

I appreciate the education.


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