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Attn: BFT Members, please read!!!

It has come to our attention that the site is using too much data and the owner is asking for everyone to please delete as many of their saved private messages as possible, sent and received. If we don't get enough deleted voluntarily they will just delete them all. Please clean up your messages, thanks!!

"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
[quote remo_5_0]All,

It has come to our attention that the site is using too much data and the owner is asking for everyone to please delete as many of their saved private messages as possible, sent and received. If we don't get enough deleted voluntarily they will just delete them all. Please clean up your messages, thanks!!

Remo[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I already do that on a daily basis - doesn't everybody? [/#800000][/font][Wink]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
Don't forget to empty your Sent Messages folder, too.
Wow I had some from back in 2007. Time for a clean out. Unfortunately I deleted accidentally some valuable information from TD.
Wouldn't removing just SOME of the ads be an easier solution to the problem?
[quote downed_Phly]Wouldn't removing just SOME of the ads be an easier solution to the problem?[/quote]

I would assume they need the ads to pay for the site that we use for free.
[quote downed_Phly]Wouldn't removing just SOME of the ads be an easier solution to the problem?[/quote]
As Remo said, without the ads there would be no BFT but the ads are not stored on the BFT server, Sent and Received PM's are. The ads are hosted by Google.
Great reminder. All done. Will this speed the site up at all? The site has seemed clogged for years.

Gotcha. Fair enough.
emails take up so little data since it is just text, I am surprised that is an issue. The real problem is photos. However, it is kind of Sad when old photos are deleted.
[quote Outfishing13]emails take up so little data since it is just text, I am surprised that is an issue. The real problem is photos. However, it is kind of Sad when old photos are deleted.[/quote]


I see people post a half dozen photos at 7-10 megs a piece. Maybe it time that they limit the size of the pictures that are uploaded to the site.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
Done finally... J
Done, all zeros
Can Admin remove some of the previous Utah Fishing General threads? Say 2007 and back? It goes all the way to 2002. I don't think there are that many nostalgic fisher-persons out there. Fish for the present, not the past.
All done as well, any still-wanted info copied and kept, zero left! Luckily, I didn't have as many as some.

Hope we can keep the PM capability since its fast and simple to contact one another.
[quote IYAAYAS611]Can Admin remove some of the previous Utah Fishing General threads? Say 2007 and back? It goes all the way to 2002. I don't think there are that many nostalgic fisher-persons out there. Fish for the present, not the past.[/quote]

Yes we can but the owner of the site did not ask us to do that, so we are simply doing as we were ask. You never know what will come next but I think the attachments and pics in the PM's are the biggest issue. I will pass along what you said.
[quote a_bow_nut][quote Outfishing13]emails take up so little data since it is just text, I am surprised that is an issue. The real problem is photos. However, it is kind of Sad when old photos are deleted.[/quote]


I see people post a half dozen photos at 7-10 megs a piece. Maybe it time that they limit the size of the pictures that are uploaded to the site.[/quote]

Not sure if you remember but we use to limit the size of pics. Instead of members resizing their pics they simply posted them anyway, forcing mods to resize their pics or deleting them or they would not post pics at all. I passed your's and Outfishing13 suggestion on. We will see what happens.

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