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Weber river
Got to the Weber again this monday with a buddy. Only fished for 3 hours and both of us landed 21 total. Great day on the river again, excited for this nice weather and being on the water this spring. Tight lines!
I shared a couple pictures as well.
Thanks for sharing, and for the pics. Sounds like a great day. What were they hitting on?
Nice, looks like it's running clear.
They were hitting my stonefly, midges and sow bugs! The water has been running way clear in this area.
Nice. I've never had much luck with stones on the Weeb. Midges and sows are a must. Usually toss a worm on there somewhere too. It's been far too long since I've been out. Need to make some time soon!
Thanks for the report! Great pictures. My days on the water are holding steady at 0, but I need to get out soon.

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