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Anybody ever done this?
Check out the following video (beware of profanity). Wondering if anybody has ever done this or has seen this done?
jesum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which way did he go george??? that was somethin! no i done it,but fer one thing, i had winter tires sure didnt look like he had none, number 2 probably goin too fast, to git in there,and no. 3 make sure who hooks under the bumper knows where its suppose to be hooked. haha that aint no bumper! haha sorry fer the laughin but ya never rely on someone else to do somethin you should be doin.
LOL. I couldn't help but laugh and watch it over and over and over and over again. I had to share the link.

yessa haha i hear ya, it was a good one alright, haha as long as it werent you and me havin to pay fer it, but i probably would still laugh anyways. haha i,d just put a ol 2x6 on it fer a bumper after that haha and hool it where your suppose ta. hahaha kids.[Smile][Wink]thats alright i can just imagine what my car would of looked like if cliff, my son hadnt been good little driver, course i learned him, haha well that little cuss, i could of brained him, they were havin the hill climbs up our mountain above the house when he was bout 15, AND I,D GONE SHOPPPIN WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, well that little ---- took my car and used it fer a race car up the mountain. he course didnt think ma would find out. well guess what! but i still had to laugh under my breathe, cause i would of done the same thing. ahha i use to drive the old catalina around that ma had up around the triangle when they were gone. hahaha so i guess i really couldnt say much when he done waht he did. he could never figure out just how ma knew this stuff that he,d a been doin. hahaha were too much alike. haha later[Smile][laugh][laugh][Smile][Smile]
and ya dopnt need to do the tounge! haha i was just seein dollar sighns hahaha you want to pay fer it?? hahaha it was probably his mothers car. hahaha[Smile][Wink]deep =======haha

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