03-16-2004, 04:12 AM
are the suckers running yet?
03-16-2004, 04:12 AM
are the suckers running yet?
03-20-2004, 04:11 AM
My neighbors 2 boys went over to the Sioto River just south of Chillicothe today and said they caught 3 suckers so I would say they are on the moove down in the south end of the state. Probly still a bit cold farther north for much action yet. The weather has been not to bad but the rains are comming along with the spring thunder storms. I will try this week end to dodge the rain best I can and get my line out for what ever is hungry after the long cold winter that is about over.
03-21-2004, 06:31 AM
thanks, that means I have about a week before they start here. our temps are in the 40's in the day but below freezing at n night...
the ice is still floating on the lake. cant walk on it cant get a boat through it. we got a worm rain this morning so we should be good in a couple days when the wrom water hits the lake and draws the suckers up. the crocus still have not come up yet so we still can get a foot of snow up here. again thanks.... [signature]
03-22-2004, 01:38 PM
Weather turned cold down here again for the next couple of days but I think it is about done for the winter now. Got allot of plants already budding out. The fruit trees are comming out early too. Hope we dont have a hard late frost this year. the deer love the peaches and apples. Lost all the fruit 3 of the last 5 years to a late hard frost. Let me know when your ice is off the lakes up there. It will help me judge if I have to be conserned about cold hard frost. Them killer frosts seem to always come down from your neck of the woods.
03-22-2004, 10:39 PM
will do, we have not any buddings here yet. there is still an island of ice in the lake, just sitting there being a nussance...
temps have been droping below freezing most every night. today it hasnt raised above freezing. I tend to loose all my cherries to the frost every year as well... [signature]
03-24-2004, 05:56 AM
Well I mozzied on down to the lake today, I was hopin to make a couple cast in to the mouth of the creek that flowed in to the lake.
we had a light breeze today about 5-7 miles per hour, just enough to blow the floating burgs up in to the river blocking my ability to get a line out. the ice should be gone compleatly by this weekend. day time temps of mid 50 and worm rains are expected for the rest of the week. any word on them red horse down your way? I will start turning my garden this week. time to put in the broccoli [signature]
04-19-2004, 02:42 AM
well my suckers came and gone, they were in for only a week.
I planted my tomatos coliflower and brocellie today. how is your garden commin? you getting things in order? we havent had any rain here in about 3 weeks. things are so dry. I could have swarn I saw the worms heading out to the lake for a drink of water.... [signature]
04-21-2004, 01:41 AM
You are right about the suckers, they seem to only be around for a short time here also. We keep getting on and off rain so the ground is still to wet to try to get anything in the ground. been dooing the anual spring cleanup of the outside when the rain stops. The winter has left much damage to trees and out buildings around the place. looking like it will take much of the spring just to get things back in shape this year.
Went to New York Yesterday to pick up a load of computers for my program and saw allot of standing water up there from the reasent heavy rains. looked like many of the streems wher right at the brim ready to flow over the top. Around home the streems have been staying high and muddy. This has slowed many local anglers from getting their line wet. To my suprize today started with the sun shineing but soon turned dark with accumulating clows that onlt sent some light dribbeling. The report is calling for rain every day this week. [signature] |
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