04-13-2002, 09:24 PM
We started the day today with the intentions of fishing a full day. Catching bait (live pilchards) was accomplished without much difficulty. Once we got outside the jetties at Government Cut, we felt the brunt of the wind and sea conditions. We started in 200' and by the time I put out the first bait, one of my anglers was feeling the effects (even with the patch) of motion sickness. At 160', we caught and released a bonito (little tunny). At 106' we hooked a larger bonito that became a meal for a barracuda. Moving back out to 250', we found a deeper blue edge. I pitched out the first bait, and watched as a sailfish chased it down. Freddy Gaitan of Miami was now experiencing what he had up to this time only watched on the Saturday morning fishing shows. The sail made numerous jumps, pulled out lots of line, sounded, made some more jumps, changed directions close to the boat several times, and finally gave in to the pressure that Freddy was putting on it. The fish was released and the
on Freddy's face said it all. After congratulations all around, we made one more drift and missed a hook up on the down rigger. By this time, the sea sick angler had experienced just about everything possible that goes with the condition. His friends showed him mercy and asked if we could go in at a half day. After reaching the calmer water inside Haulover Inlet, he began to feel better and we enjoyed the remainder of the ride back to Spinnaker Marina.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br>www.rnfl.com/knotnancy<br>nkostyo@bellsouth.net<br><br>