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Information on Old Fishing Lures Wanted:
My Grandfather recently gave me his old tackle box. I know the box hasn't been used since the 60's possibly '50's and some of the stuff was old even then. I have a NYS Fishing Rules and Regulations Guide from 1946, some Muskie Tournament Tags from 1939, and a handful of old lures, some Musky spoons, and oddly enough some plastic lures. I also got some old poles: a two piece steel rod, some fiberglass rods, and an old Bamboo Rod along with some old looking reels. There is also a weird looking reel that looks like a combination spinning and spin casting reel. Does anyone know where I can go to find out if any of this is worth anything other than the "wow factor"? Are there any books / publications listing values for antique tackle?

If I were you, I would go on Ebay and look for antique fishing tackle books for sale. I see them there all the time and I am sure you can find a good book that will help you.

Other than that I would type in "antique fishing tackle" on any major search engine and I'm sure you'll get plenty of web sites dealing with that topic.

Bass Wishes,
I agree with Biz, go on to the web and look them up or use the libaray and check out a book on them. You can find a lot of info off of the web.
...After you price them, if you're about to do an Ebay sale on those items, let me know. [Smile] Do you have a pic to forward??
most of the rare, valuable lures are from pre-WWI . . . although theres some unique ones collectors gotta have made more recent . . i would make a 'shadow box' with pics of your grandfather, grandma, kids and grandkids fishing with him, maybe an old map of his favorite fishin hole, and hang the lures up thru-out . .

There's some fishing publications that have services where you can send in a pic and description and they'll give you a reasonable estimate of the value. Can't remember which magazine I saw it in but it was either Bassmaster, In-Fisherman, NAFC, or Bassin'.

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