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Snaggers Should Be Aware of How to Release Paddlefish
Snaggers Should Be Aware of How to Release Paddlefish
Paddlefish snaggers are reminded that release of all paddlefish is mandatory on Mondays and Tuesdays during the upcoming season, which opens May 1, while mandatory harvest of all paddlefish snagged during the other five days of the week is required.

Snaggers participating during the snag-and-release-only days will need to have in possession a current season, unused paddlefish snagging tag. Since all fish must be released, the use or possession of gaffs is prohibited on Mondays and Tuesdays.

The following tips can help snaggers ensure a released paddlefish has the best chance of survival.

* Keep the paddlefish in water at all times when handling and removing the treble hook.

* Remove the treble hook gently. A pair of needle-nose pliers can help eliminate problems and speed up the hook removal process.

* Do not sit/kneel on the fish or put fingers in its gills. Be careful of the gills - do not touch, etc. if at all possible.

* If the fish is deeply hooked, cut the line as close to the fish as possible. Do not yank the treble hook out. Most fish survive with hooks left in them.

* Release the paddlefish immediately, never removing it from the water. To revive a fish, hold it upright in the water and move it back and forth gently so that water is forced over the gill filaments.

* If a picture is taken, it should be of the fish in the water or holding the fish immediately above the water in a horizontal position. Do not take the fish out of the river and hold it upright or lay it on the shoreline.

* On occasion, a paddlefish with a jaw tag is snagged. In these incidences, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department prefers snaggers not try to read and report jaw tag information as any additional stress on the paddlefish is not encouraged.[/url]

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