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Wishing upon a star
[center]Once I wished upon a star, [/center] [center]speeding across the sky a far.[/center] [center]as it travaled I made my wish[/center] [center]to find my love I seeked a dish.[/center] [center]to my suprize I received a comprimize[/center] [center]who knew as the star did wisk[/center] [center]the dish it served was a BigFish [/center]

what sparked this poem was I just saw my first shooting star of the season a minute ago,

they are fun to watch, but they say you never see the one that hits you. I guess that is because the fire burned out a few hundred miles before it hits.

It seems that the reports of meteorite strikes are on the rise in the recent passed 10 years. no this is not a chicken little aleart, Tho the sky realy is falling you know!

the reports are being reproted more so because of the vast expantion of human sprawl. there has alway been falling stars the size of yard orniments hitting ground. those are usualy never reported. the ones that raise attention to them selves are the ones that decide to come though roof tops of houses or try to hitch a ride on some one's car.

there were several in near by states of michigan, one right close to detroit. it hit just on the other side of the river passing through the rear hood to the ground one evening as the owner slept. lucky for her the gas tank was not under the trunk as in earlier modles. another one a couple years back went through the roof of a resident in wisconson passing through the bedroom and struck the vary bed of the owners. fortunate for them it struck during the day time hours while every one was away. Just a couple months ago, (I forget which state) another home owner received a shot gun blast, a dozen fragments ranging from golf ball size to grapefruit size meteorites passed through the roof on angle scattered though the living room hitting the sofa, tv, coffee table wall and floor. Again fortunatly no one was home.

I have yet to hear any reports of some one being stuck by a peice of falling sky, but as the human population grows it is just a matter of time.

any one else hearing repots around them of falling stars?
hey dave how ya doin?? well i,ve seen 3 this year already. not yittin nobody or thru nothin but they are cool. pretty. just hope they dont hit nobody. maybe they can sell em to one of those scientists, haha then they can git there roof fixed. haha nice to see when your out campin. huh??? liked your poem, haha specially the bigfish ahha later
the woman in canida whos car was hit received about 30 G's for hers. enough to replace the car
i guess she could replace a car with that. haha i never made payent on a car and would anyway. even though the cars i had were less than a 1000,dollars haha and i goe some godd ones cause they lasted me 4-5 years and i fixed em myself, no computers in em haha no payments, i saved alot of money buddy boy. haha then when that one lasted it,s time, i,d find another one haha. no sence to doin new cars, they can brake down as well as a old one. haha with rents the ways they are now, elec. heat, and then care p[ayments, i just dont know how anyone can afford to do it. and kids too. haha outrageous! e did alrirght!

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