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Interior, Northern, & Western Alaska
Tanana Area

The king run is winding down in the Chena and Salcha Rivers. By emergency order, the bag & possession limit for the Chena and Salcha Rivers is 3 per day/ 3 in possession.
The Chena River is closed to salmon fishing upstream from the ADF&G markers located 300 feet downstream of the Chena River dam. The Salcha River is closed to salmon fishing upstream of the ADF&G markers located about 2.5 miles upstream of the Richardson Highway Bridge.
Anglers are reminded that both king and chum salmon may be carrying radio tags. These fish will be marked with yellow, pink, or green "spaghetti" tags (so named because they are the size and shape of a strand of spaghetti) in their backs. Anglers catching a fish with a tag/internal radio transmitter should call Fish and Game, Commercial Fish Division at 459 - 7274
Try using brightly colored spoons/spinners, multicolored egg patterns, or Okie Drifters. Bait may be used in both the Chena & Salcha Rivers, but only on single hooks with a gap size greater than ¾ inch.
Visit our [url ""]Fish Counts [/url]page to track salmon runs throughout the state.
Resident Species:
The recent rain will bring water levels up a bit in area waters. Water will most likely be a bit murky making fishing success a little more challenging. The break in hot weather, however, should have fish more willing to feed.
Fish for Northern Pike at the mouths of sloughs and in deep, slow-moving holes. Try using daredevils, cyclops, red eyes, or any other flashy spoon.
Try fishing Arctic grayling in the upper Chena River or the Delta Clearwater River. Remember, however, that the Chena & Delta Clearwater Rivers and all their tributaries are catch & release only for Arctic grayling. Exception: From July 9th to August 10th the daily bag and possession limit for Arctic grayling on the DELTA CLEARWATER RIVER ONLY is one under 12 inches. Arctic Grayling tend to hang out in holes just below fast moving water or riffles. When all else fails with Arctic Grayling, try using white twister tails. Lakes
The cooler, overcast weather should make fishing a bit better.
Our stocking crew has been furiously working to get the more than 100 stocked lakes in the Tanana Valley stocked with fish.
You can pick up a booklet on the over 100 stocked lakes of the Tanana Valley At the Fairbanks, Delta or Tok ADF&G office. Other stocked lakes brochures include: Fishing the Stocked Lakes of Fort Greely, Fishing Quartz Lake,and Fishing the Rivers and Lakes of the Upper Copper/Upper Susitina. You can also access these and many other [url ""]publications[/url] on the web.

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