08-27-2002, 12:18 AM
[cool][font "Arial"][size 2][font "Arial"][size 2]Today was one of those days that couldn't have been any better even if you had planned the perfect trip. Bait was thick at Haulover Inlet. The wind started out from the SW. Starting in 85', the first rod bent over as soon as I put out the bait and set the rod in the holder. Then we missed a few hook ups and moved to the south. The wind was beginning to switch to the SE as was predicted. During the switch, we continued to push offshore during our drift. Next the bonito made their showing and the site of bent rods with the noise of screaming drags kept us busy. Mixed in with the bonito were some kingfish in the 8-10 pound range. The current was pushing us to the north rapidly so we made a run back south. By now the wind was from the SE and we still were pushing offshore. Starting in 105', the action began immediately. During our final drift, we covered the area from north of the Twin Towers to north of Haulover Inlet in a depth staring in 105' out to 125' and then back to 110' as the SE wind began pushing us back onshore. The kingfish bite was on fire. As fast as we put out baits, rods were bending over with smashing surface strikes and sky rocketing kings. The action was as hot as if we were anchored up in the fall during a major king run. We kept our limit of 6 in the 8-15 pound range, released at least 6 more, got cut off or missed the hook up on to many to count. Then the bonito attacks started. Singles, doubles, and triples as fast as baits hit the water. A brief lull in the action and then more kingfish, then more bonito. As Jeff was fighting the final double header north of Haulover, he said enough. Don't put out any more baits. Heading back to Spinnaker Marina, Jeff was resting his weary arms and the
on his face was something to see. He can't wait to come back in the fall when the kingfish runs begin.[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Captain Dave Kostyo[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Knot Nancy Fishing Charters[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]305 620-5896 Charter[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]305 732-2628 Beeper[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 2][url "http://www.rnfl.com/knotnancy"]www.rnfl.com/knotnancy[/url][/size][/#0000ff][/font] [url "mailto:nkostyo@bellsouth.net"][#0000ff]nkostyo@bellsouth.net[/#0000ff][/url][/size][/font]
