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I was reading an article today about trolling with whole, dead squid. Have any of you done that before? From what I understand it's really effective for tuna and dolphin. Is that all I could expect to snap at it? I don't see a wahoo going for it because you couldn't troll it any faster than 5 or 6 knotts, which isn't really fast enough. I could see maybe a small marlin sniffing at it if I ran them in deep enough water. The rig it showed was actually really simple and didn't require any sewing or special equipment. Squid is easily attainable in Guam, and extremely cheap. What kind of spread would I use? Skip them off the top, or run them deep? Planers? I have #3 planers that have a 4in blade length and a 2 5/8 blade width. Would that be good enough to get an 8 to 10 inch squid to drink some water?
I know of a few guys who catch squid then rig them up fresh and troll with them.
They catch very big amber jack along with dolphin and tuna, over here in the Med. But I have known idea on speed or the rigging method.
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"] [/font][/size]
dude ya may need to down size that picture

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