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you guy's know i'm doing this just to torture you right? lol
well had another great day on the ice at scofield today..
got there about 9:30 this morning was a hot -13 as i pulled into the parking spot..
went to a different spot this time.. i was south of the big round buoy stuck in the ice.. out about 100 yards.. started out slow in that hole stayed about 30 min's had 1 bite so packed it up and headed out another 75 yards or so.. got lucky and put a hole right over a weed bed !! was marking fish as soon the the finder hit the water.. started out with the green paddle bug and minnow and hit 2 fish in about 30 min's..the last of the 2 ripped the paddle bug right apart.. so i put on a whatta cricket in the same green.. i must say they hold up better and dont rip apart as easy as the paddle bugs do.. and the fish just loved them..
cought about 20 or so fish today.all but the 2 were cought on whatta cricket in green. (note none of the fish were under 13 inches)
and one rainbow that was 22" and nice and fat..
did over here some other guys fishing out there that they cought some but most was small like 6 to 8 inches.. so they was going..
did not see alot of other guys catching much..
ice was 4 1/2 to 5 inches thick.. some slushy spots out there as well..
dude on fish?
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Ok I give. I can’t take the torture any more would you go find a job or something else to do. I can’t let you out fish me again this year. All I could think about today while I was sitting in a class was “I should be out ice fishing” one more day then I have no excuses to keep me of the ice until mid January. I do appreciate the reports, where will you be fishing Saturday?
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Ya I agree, thanks for the report but good grief don't you have a job!!!! Well at least the rest of us working today can fish vicariously through you. The only good part about vicarious fishing is that your fingers don't get cold and your hands don't smell like fish! Sounds like a fun day. So did the vexilar help you catch more fish? Can't wait til saturday!
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you know i dont think i will be going this weekend.. the way i see it why go out there with 200 or 300 pepole out there when i can go during the week with only 40 or 50 pepole out there.. but still might run up to Huntington for the party going on up there and see if anyone is doing any good!
hey bigcat the Vexilar did magic today!! that dam thing knows when i have a fish on before i do!! lol and i could see the weed bed realy good and keep my jig right over it but not in it.. the fish were comeing out of the weeds and hitting the's very cool so far.
dude on fish?
Ron l
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Man, what a life! Thanks for the nice report again fuzzy! Nice pics too.
Did you sweeten up the jigs with anything today?
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[cool]Nice report, fuzzy. Man, that 22 incher looks nice! Did he put up a good fight? What would you guess he weighed, about 3 or 4 lbs? I can't wait to get up there this weekend, but you are right, there will be a few hundred people up there[pirate]. Fortunately, most of them all fish in the same spot on the east side between the shore and the island. I'll be in a different spot[  ], but there will still be about 20 people within the area that I fish.
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Either of those two fish could have eaten the ones I was catching down by the dam. Oh well, live and learn. Next time I'll go out on the main part of the lake. The funny thing is I know people who were catching big trout from the shore by the dam before iceover. I wonder what happened to those big fish. Did the little ones chase them away or were they just sleeping when I was there?
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Nice fish fuzzy, sounds like a lot of fun expecially with how warm it was today.
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Thanks for the great report. The 13 inch+ fish that are in there seem to be in great shape. Did you see on the finder any of these little guys that we have been playing with by the dam? I wonder if the whatta cricket/minnow is a little bigger jig than what the little ones want to hit?
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yeah i did sweet'n the jig with fuzzy's world famous minnows..cought from a secret place..
out4trout men that big guy took me on 4 or 5 good runs.then came off the hook as soon as it was out of the hole.. there are some nice fish in there.. good luck on your trip dude!!
hey skinnyL .. i think it might be the other way around the bigger fish are pushing the smaller fish out off the flats.. there might be more food or better water out on the flats than in the deeper water by the dam..
or it might just be the bait i was useing.. some of the guys around me was catching small fish..
dude on fish?
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[cool]I don't know where the big ones are in that area either, Lynnie. I was crawdading there this summer right off the dam, and when we'd get minnows in our 'dad traps, we'd kill them and chuck it out there as bait, and did really well for about 17 inch 'bows. They must be out further now for whatever reason.[unsure]
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I just bought a vexilar last do u determine what a weedbed looks like on it....what color is it and what side of the screen?? I think i will hit scofield sunday or monday. Thanks for the report.
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well i found out today by catching the weeds on the bottom and pulling them up.. on the vexilar it was two bars of green in frount of the red bottom marker..
i might make it up monday my
dude on fish?
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if u are going monday...send me an email at [url ""][/url]
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Fuzzy, that is pure torture! All I can think about is getting out on the ice.. Nice lookin' fish. Hope to see a bunch of you guys out there this weekend..
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Your right it is pure torture to read about people who can fish during the week but am grateful for the updates and tips. Work would get busy again just in time to make us work Fridays as the ice comes on. My brother and I will be there Saturday and it sounds like the lake will be full. Who cares though. ICE IS ON!
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[unimpressed]Man I am so envious..
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[cool]Wow, 500 views in two days. You are a popular man, fuzzyfisher. Judging by the # of views, I'd say there's gonna be a ton of "guests" along with a few of us bft'rs out on Scofield tomorrow! I could be wrong, but I'd guess there's gonna be more people out on the ice tomorrow than I've ever seen (maybe 1000?)! Hope they are all in between the island and the East Shore ('cause that's where I WON't be).
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hey Geoff i dont think it's so much that i'm popular as every one wanting to find out any thing they can about Scofield before they get there this weekend!! what they dont know and dont have is my world famous minnows and crawdad tails.. thats the secret to my success
oh yeah alot of luck!! dont hurt
good luck today dude!!
dude on fish?
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This ice fishing is a blast! Scofield was redhot today Saturday 12/04. Arrived at 7:30 and fished until 12 noon. Slammed 31 and just couldn't keep them off my hook.