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Make and models do you all use and for what type of game? I use a good old cheap Mossberg Maverick model88 12ga 3". I use it for everything I can shoot shot at. This season though I am going to upgrade to a autoloader, I am thinking the Mossber 935 or stepping it up to a Browning Gold Hunter. Anyhow, what you all got in your cabinets?
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i use a browning bps,pump, it has put alot of meat on the table.with the 6 inch rifled choke tube,puts the winchester xx 2 3/4 inch,1 ounce slug right in the bulls eye at 100 yards.this is all i use for deer hunting,sold all my rifles after i got this.i also have a remmington 870 pump that i use for birds,clays,and turkey shoots
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I use an old "Ted Williams" pump, 3". I use it for everything from phesants and ducks to rabbits and even harvested a deer with it for the first time this year. This was the shotgun that I grew up shooting. Most of my family and hunting companions use autos and newer models on benelli's etc, but I like my good ole' pump.. It's just what I gotten used to. However, I would like to try an auto sometime while shootin' trap.
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I use a Benelli Super Black Eagle 12Ga semi auto. I hunt anything upland game bird my fav. are Chuckers pheasants and quail
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I have a Mossberg as well. It is rated for 3 1/4 inch shells. It is great for birds and burglars alike.[cool]
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I am an ithica fan my self..
if I can fit it in to a frying pan I probably have already hunted it...
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[shocked]So what do you and all the rest of you guys use for turkey?
I swear by my 20 Ga., it has brought down many a duck, goose and partridge. I know it depends on the shot etc, but I went Tomming it last spring for the first time. It was a blast! I probably could have nailed one or two, but I felt they weren't close enough for me. I give myself a 30-35 yard max range for turkey with this gun.
Any comments on my choice. Should I bring out the 12Ga?
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this is how I see it. a 410 has just as much power as a 10 ga. but the bigger the gun the more shot. I have hunted and killed many a pheasants with a 410 with lots of head shots. but when I was doing that I was shooting it alot. if you go shoot your 20 ga just as if you were to shoot a turkey and shot it lots I would keep with the 20 because you use it so much.
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Hey: Thanks for your input. The guys I hunt with insist that their 12 ga.'s are the only way to go. When I nail a bird this spring with my 20, they might cahnge their minds.
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I dont think you will change any ones mind when it comes to which gun is better,
matching a gun to a shooter is as difficult as finding the mate in you life, What works for one shooter wont nessisarily work for another...
when you find a gun that fits you, you too will swear by the modle and make just as much as every one else...
If you take your gun out and pratice and become comfortable with it you fall in to a grove, I know people who use berreta's over and under for every thing they hunt and do well, I know others who have a different gun for every day of the week and every game animal they hunt.
there are guns out there that will make you shiver under your hunters orange when it misfires or jams or falls apart. You really have to be carfull when picking up used modles, you never know how well the gun was maintained or if it was thrown around in the back of a pickup truck.
having a gun that fits you is the most important factor. the stock must be the right lenth, to long or to short you jepordize your ability to shoot consitantly.
if you have short arms like myself shooting a shot gun with a pump with a long stroke makes a second shot mute. a bolt action with a long stock really requires too much concentration to reposition after every shot.
My dad swears by mongomery wards (now out of bussiness) If I put one in my hand I dont even bother pointing the gun at a deer because it has jammed on me more times than I can count.... It may have had something to do with the oil he was using to clean the gun with and the tempriture when I took bead on a deer was right about -0-*
So I suggest you take what you have and become proficent with it, they will have more of a respect for you as a shooter which is what you really want, It is better to have a junk gun that is trustworthy to you than to have a gun that every one else wants, unless you are buying a gun for an investment. That is something entirely different all together....
good luck on your bird...
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I like the Mossberg 500s I have several of them and have no problem with them under sometimes horrific conditions. One reason that I like them is that they are all plain barrel guns! Cleaning a Vent rib after a day in the rain is a pain. Over the years I have owned Remington 870s, 1100s, winchester 1400, Stevens, Savages and Stogers. They were all good guns but for the price the Mossberg is hard to beat. It isn't sexy, nor is it going to impress anyone because you own it. All it does is go bang and throw the lead where you aim over and over for YEARS and YEARS.
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I have a browning bps 20 gauge that I use for grouse hunting. I use my bps 12 gauge for hunting pheasants and ducks out of the blind.
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[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]I have 2 shotguns, both 12 ga. One is a remington 870 and the other a benelli nova. I use them for pretty much anything that can be hunted with a scattergun.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
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I only have one...given to me recently by my father who can no longer use it. It's the first gun I ever had the opportunity to fire and has special meaning for me in that too...
...but, it's a great gun!
Mine is a 12ga. Parker double's the best quail / pheasant gun made, according to my father...although, I always contended that my 16ga. (wish I still had it, my father loaned it to a relative to hunt with and it never returned) was better for quail.
I have two mossberg 500's and two new england break action however the best shotgun I have seen is the Remington 870. This summer I was paid to do maintance on these guns. We had two problems with them the whole summer, one it dropped with a shell in it and broke the shell remover, second federal rounds jammed about once every twenty shots. These guns are made strong. We shot these guns every day exept sunday and we put at least 600 rounds in each gun every day for three months and these guns went through that last year, but it was about 250 rounds a day. These are great guns. Easy to clean and tear apart.
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Remington 870 in .410 for squirrel, H&R Slug Gun in 20 for deer. Others too, but that sums it up well.
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Benelli Nova for everything from doves to huge canadians. I had an 870 express synthetic, and for the most part it was a good gun, but the Nova is the best shotgun i have ever owned. Nye a problem yet. It gets thrown in the great salt lake, slammed in the truck, put away wet, spit on, bled on, bounced around on my bike, dropped repeatedly, and about 1000 rounds of steel and 400 rounds of lead a year put through it. I will buy the super black eagle when i can afford it.
BTW, stay the hell away from PMC shotshells. I have seen 7 guns ruined or broken because of them in the last 3 years.
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I shoot a Remmington 870 special purpose. It has a more involved finishing process than all the other 870 models. I have a new synthetic, shadow grass stock on it. It is also chamberd for 3 inch shells. 3 inch 1 3/4 ounce of #4 hevi shot has major effects on ducks.
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I have many. I like my 20 gauge 870 express or 1300 speed pump winchester for upland hunting because there tough as nails and scratches water and dings are of no concern.
I love my 12 gauge BPS trap for trap.
I love my 12 gauge 590 combat shotgun for home defense.
I love my 12 gauge side by side CZ coach gun for rabbit hunting.
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I just bought a new one. Had to trade in the Nova on this one.
Beretta Extrema 2 3 1/2" magnum semi auto[cool]
[inline "my new gun.jpg"]