01-10-2005, 04:54 AM
I say again isnt it great to be a cheese head? Not [pirate]
I wasnt sure which team to pick going in to this days game, I like both teams and well vikings fought for the privilage so now they are in!
I guess they heard that there was a shortage on Lake Ice not to mention rink ice back home and if they wanted something to do this winter they were going to have to streach the season a bit longer.
to bad the loins dont have that kind of mentality.[pirate] I guess kilpactric will deliver all the snow the lions need for fun...LOL (sorry Bad joke, it just seems like the lions are playing on snow year after year for more than two decades)
I wasnt sure which team to pick going in to this days game, I like both teams and well vikings fought for the privilage so now they are in!
I guess they heard that there was a shortage on Lake Ice not to mention rink ice back home and if they wanted something to do this winter they were going to have to streach the season a bit longer.
to bad the loins dont have that kind of mentality.[pirate] I guess kilpactric will deliver all the snow the lions need for fun...LOL (sorry Bad joke, it just seems like the lions are playing on snow year after year for more than two decades)