Good response tube and i don't want to argue with you on this one.
1. you probably now more about it then me
2. you can type a heck of alot more then me [

But in my defense i am not looking to the dwr for a magical fix and i do understand the drought we are in but i kinda see that as an oportunity too enhance are habitat without having to drain are resivoirs, I have lived out of this state and have fished some great areas ND,Min,and Canada know i have fished these areas years so it isn't just hersay that i go by, you brought up several good points but here are a couple for you
DWR will plant bait fish with nothing to sustain them or places for them to spawn (some spawn twice a year) or difrent strains will spawn at difrent time's so the game fish would have to times in the year and not just one to cash in on a new bag of groceries also having more then one type of bait fish is important incase the other species has a bad spawning year this way you game fish do not have to realy on one source of food for there survival
Some of are lakes are starile and that could be changed by lake vegitation planted in draught years to help out shinners and baby game fish when you have vegitation on the bottom you will have food for baitfish and game fish you need to mach the vegitation to support the lake
not drowned it out some bait fish are planted just to mach the type that is planted, and the game fish that will inturn harvest them are all took into acount before just throwing them in the pond and waiting to see what happens not saying the DWR does this... Okay i still think they do it anyway
I will allways question were my money goes that I use toward fishing and hunting you should never sit back and not become involved or be informed, Utah has some shady practices when it comes to are hunting and fishing dollars being placed in a big pot and then only a small percentage comes back to are outdoors as a whole, I hate to say this but with prices rising for are hunting and fishing rights and not being able to see any improvements to are hunting and fishing areas I think
you would agree that we are throwing are money into things that don't even help are habitate or the game we hunt and fish for. where is this money going and what is it doing for us and are sport. We do have a voice and should use it instead of just living with it.
I have been out debated before and plenty have made good points so i will drop the subject it seams it has turned into a difrent isue any way then what it started out as.
Good fishing