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by lonehunter

[size 1]How do you do it? Take one small salmon—or a piece of salmon (under 10 lbs. works best), wrap it well with aluminum foil (use at least 2 sheets), find a suitable rack in your dishwasher, insert, close door, and start. Though detergent isn't necessary, there is no reason you can't wash your dishes and cook the salmon at the same time. Just be sure the salmon is tightly wrapped.

What happens? Depending on the model of your dishwasher and the parts of its cycles, the salmon is boiled, steamed, and baked.

The results? One moist and tender salmon ready for eating. Simply remove from dishwasher and, opening foil carefully, place on platter. There will be no cooking odors at all.

Note: Much depends on the strength of your dishwasher and what cycle(s) you use, as well as the size of fish you insert. A certain amount of experimenting is probably necessary. If one full cycle is not enough, simply run it through again, or part(s) of a cycle. Also, cheesecloth can be used instead of foil, and vegetables can be cooked separately at the same time.

And of course, you can use all your favorite touches: enclosing fish with various herbs, such as dill or thyme, thin-sliced vegetables, lemon slices, special sauces, etc. Salmon cooked in foil with fresh apricots, or oranges and grapes, is excellent. The true secret, as with all foil cookery, is to make sure that the fish is wrapped tightly enough that it does not leak! And, of course it takes a certain faith—like the first time you baked a goose in a brown paper bag. [/size]

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