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Just thought I'd share these on the nation ice fishin' board to show ya what I've been up to for a good part of the 2005 ice fishing season.. These Mac were caught at Flaming Gorge. All fish were released except the 39"er. I kept it for a Wall hanger.
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Not to mention "co-winner" of the MGB challenge![cool] You put up some good fish coldfooter. Congrats.
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I found the fish...
I am jellous, I have yet to pull a fish up through a hole in the ice any thing like those. to tell the truth, I have yet to cut a hole big enuff to pull a fish up through a hole in the ice like that....
but thanks for reminding me, I found a hole last summer that holds fish like that and forgot to fish it this winter... I could have landed me one of them monsters too, that is if I could find something to cut a hole big enuff...
congrats, you would have had us wooped for sure...
remember next year you are allowed 7 fish, your best fish of seven species. and you can take two pics. I have had to lay down on the ice to take a few pics of fish my self just to get in the ice, me, logo, tape and fish. and then take a sepreate pic of the fish logo and tape to get a good measurment shot..
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Well some folks say I'm nuts when its comes to Mac fishing.. The 39"er was actually brought through 2 - 2 1/2" thick ice (note the attached photo of it being iced). All we needed that day was a spud bar. Once the ice got over 4" I got lazy and used the power auger (10" Lazer) and simply over lapped two holes drilled side by side without a problem. Or as fussyfisher calls them, "my signature holes", lol..
Most of those I pictured in the ice fishing contest thread here were caught before this contest started. MGB's contest started mid Dec. and once Jan. roled around the Mac had pretty much my full attention, lol.. Heck I couldnt even pull myself await from the Mac long enough to run down a Koke on the same waters witch would have given me my 8th fish, LOL!! But none the less its an honor to be co-winner of the MGB Ice Fishing Challenge with a fisherman the Caliber as Randy/Hellangler69
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Well congradulations.... that is no easy feet.
these contest seem easy, but when you have to target a number of species insted of just bucketmouths its a whole new ball game.
you should try your hand on our 16 species contest 2005...
we have a salt water division fresh water division and the biggest fish division....
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I was checking out all that water, I thought I was the only duck in the bunch....