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Cutting Edge Physics for Us All
[font "Book Antiqua"][size 6]Cutting Edge Physics
for Us All
[/font] [center][font "Book Antiqua"]Nobel laureates and other top scientists will talk to the public next month about the mind-boggling frontiers of modern physics.[/font][/center]

[font "Book Antiqua"]March 9, 2005: Einstein didn't know everything. [/font]
[font "Book Antiqua"]He understood that light must be a particle as well as a wave, that neither space nor time is immutable, that matter can explode into energy. His insights explained much, but they left jarring puzzles in their wake. Physicists struggled to untangle the often-bizarre implications of Einstein's theories.[/font]
[font "Book Antiqua"][/font]
[font "Book Antiqua"]They're still working on it.[/font] [font "Book Antiqua"][/font][font "Book Antiqua"]When Nobel laureates get together for a physics-meeting, attendance is usually restricted to other scientists. Not this time. In April, people from all walks of life are invited to join top scientists at a unique conference to discuss dark energy, antimatter, black holes and the mysteries of modern physics.

[url ""][/url]

wouldnt it be cool to be a fly on the wall at this confrence? I can just emagine all the stuff flying over my head, Glad to see this open to every one, you never know when a half cocked idea or joke will be the key to a solution to enhance the life of every one on the planet... any one game for making this confrence? I cant make it but would sure like to, every one tells me I am a space case... [angelic]
I couldn't get the link to work but i found the article anyway. That would be cool. I wished i could go I got a few crack pot ideas.
ya, both sites are taking a pounding by hits. seems like every one is passing this info around the world in a hurry. I know I passed it on to one other person before placing it here and it hit 500 other email address and back to me again in less than 15 minutes.

Good thing I am not a spammer... LOL boy could I get some email addresses.[laugh]

yep me too on the crack pot ideas, I have always veiwed time as a demention, and there for beleive inter demintional traveling is posible because all moments in time co-exist at the same time...

fortune tellers have long used a lost skill of memory, you can remember the past, and if my theiry holds true you should be able to remember the future. see if you can think back in your life if you ever had a dream of an instant that has not happened only to see it unfold later? have you ever had a preminition of something that would happen and it did? It is nothing supernatural, it is just a memory of the future. as our minds develop should we not blow our selves to smitherieans we will be able to see the reflections.

this is nothing new, just not widely talked about because it is nothing that at this point in demention can be proved or disproved. and no one has ever received a grant to work on it.....

I emagine what this confrence may be for is because our top minds may have researched every thing they could think and reached a stale mate and they may need more creative ideals to point them down other avenues of studies.

many of the things we use today was invented years ago, including the microwave was invented by Tessler (sory about the spelling) including our electrical generators were invented by Tessler, (edison stole the credits and looked down on Tessler his whole life) Edison was natorious for obtaining pattens prior to the compleations of inventions when people showed up to his door looking for backing. Bouy would I like to been a fly on the wall when the light bulb was truly invented. I still dont understand how edison thought of using tungston for a fillament when he had no metals working experience.

I am not going to argue with the history books, only the survivors live to write the history, I just have questions about cirtain facts. (not that I realy want the answers, if I got them I would have nothing to ponder over)

[url ""][Image: banner.jpg]
[/url][font "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"][size 2]Above: [url ""][#337f33]Click[/#337f33][/url] to visit the Physics for the Third Millennium web site.[/size][/font]

For information about the World Year of Physics, visit [url ""][/url]
This one is way too cool...

[li][url ""][#0000bf]United States Physics Talent Search[/#0000bf][/url] <Link[/li]

Are you the next Einstein? You never know without trying! To start, why not participate in the WYP 2005 Physics Talent Search? You can earn Talent Search points by visiting a physics lab, making a poster, writing a play, or doing a physics experiment in your school's science fair. If you earn 10 points, you earn the right to be called a "United States Physics Talent." For more points, who knows? You might become one of the United States "Physics Young AmbasSadors."
It seems like folks that don't completely understand his studies and findings are constantly saying he didn't know everything. Trouble is, he never professed to "knowing it all". But what he did know was (i believe) so far beyond the capacity of the average thinker or scholar that they passed it off as non-sense. Only now are we begining to grasp the scope of his studies. These physics conferences are really the best way to "unravel" his theories by putting several "great minds" together to form theories of their own. Great article dave. Thanks for sharing...
Just imagine what a man like Einstien might accomplish with access to the technology that we have today.
your are welcome,

actualy every one is invited to attend this confrence which means you and me too...

Tessler invented the microwave, emediatly after his death every thing he owned was conficated and became a closely guarded military secreat for almost 100 years...

Tessler also was not as scrupulous as he should have been, he atempted to build a generator that would generate power to homes with out the use of wires, (this of corse set Edison over the wall) his first generator blew out the power of a little town in colorado, his second generator was the same generator with modifications of the first but was susposted to be something else entirely on I beleive it was Elis isle before the statue of liberty was irected. neadless to say he was run out of both towns....

point is you never know who will have the next hair brained ideal.... and who can say if it will be by accident or by design....

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