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Tic Toc - Tic Toc
the willie old man is watching the clock, Watch out Kaptian hook, something came swimming down the steet just take a look.

This crocodile was found in New Orleans swimming down the street. 21 FT long, 4,500 lbs, around 80
years old minimum.

Specialists said that he was looking to eat humans because he was too old to catch animals. This crocodile was killed by the army last Sunday at 3:00 pm, currently he is in the freezer at the Azur hotel. The contents of it's stomach will be analyzed this Friday at 2:30pm
As if those folks didn't have enough to worry about, now come the gaters. That was one huge animal. Lets hope they only find fish in it's stomach. [Image: 36_19_2.gif]
its too bad that they had to kill it,how many are there of that size,and on the other hand how would you get rid of it
personaly I dont think they realy needed to kill it, I agree it the thoughts that is was not hunting but following the sent of dead animals from the storm kill

deffanantly a rare find, he is about the size of a great white.
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]That thing is HUGE! Kinda sucks that they did kill it. Will be pretty interesting what they find in the stomach of that monster. I bet there is alot of dogs in there.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][pirate]Wow - that sucker is as big as a Mack truck. I agree that they didn't need to kill it. Leave it to man. If he doen't understand something he kills it.[/size][/green][/font]
just my opion but I think the salt water crock was caught somewhere else. there are no plates on the truck just the little round things that alot of foriegn countries use. I could be wrong though. MY sister sent me the same pictures about a week an a half ago.
[Tongue] Sharp eye and Good call the license painted on license numbers were a dead give a way.
Monster Crocodile in New Orleans

Now this is a Crocodile ! This crocodile was found in New Orleans swimming down the street. 21 FT long, 4,500 lbs, around 80 years old minimum. Specialists said that he was looking to eat humans because he was too old to catch animals. This crocodile was killed by the army last Sunday at 3:00 pm, currently he is in the freezer at the Azur hotel. The contents of it's stomach will be analyzed this Friday at 2:30pm.

The pictures are real enough, but they're weren't taken in New Orleans. These are pictures of the [url ""]Monster Crocodile of Pointe-Noire[/url] (in the Republic of the Congo). They've been circulating for over two years. David Emery notes that the crocodile was really estimated to be 16 feet long and weighed about 1874 lbs. That's still a lot bigger than I'd ever care to encounter.
to be honest this one had me going for a while too.

I even found a web site that documents the croc in new orleans then I found an older site dated last year. the coments listed above.

still a wopper of a croc any day of the week. and now knowing where it came from I know why they harvested it. that croc represents an entire villiges income for an entire year. what am I sayin, it represents more that my salary for the last couple years....[shocked] that's like hitting the lottery for them...

I would probably have a hard time sleepin with a lake placid monster living with in toe nippin distance.... If I were them I would cash in on it too...

If it were from the gulf that is another story....

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