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Michigan's fall steelhead run
The fall steelhead run is on , just in time for winter !
Reports from Flatrock are good , more fish are showing up every day to test out our downriver anglers .
Tippy Dam has seen an increase in the crome action and there are reports of some late arival Kings and a few Coho's to keep you wondering which big fish you have latched onto .
The Au Sable has had a nice number of crome taken with sizes that are reminicent of years gone past , not quite the 17 pounders of old but a few 12 to 14 pounders have been landed .
Did I mention the walleye ? I think you had better check the regulation book for boundrys on the river for season closures . I'm not sure where the lake ends and the river begins .
Grand rapids ; fair to good .
Around central Michigan some ice is starting to form on the small ponds , lakes still remain open water for those brave enough to endure the lower than normal temps.
There is enough snow on the ground for deer hunters this weekend , good luck !
I'll be trying to bag BullWinkell this weekend myself [Wink] .

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