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Bad experiance?
Okay, we did the best eatting fish. Now lets see about the worst tasting fish you've ever eatten?

I know mine was grilled salmon. [crazy] My buddy from CT was like, "Man, you're gonna love this salmon grilled like this." He couldn't have been more wrong. That was the foulest, fishiest tasting fish i've ever eatten. I wouldn't even give what was left to the dog, I chunked it in the woods. I feel sorry for the raccoon that got ahold of that. [pirate]
I've never really had any fish that hasn't been prepared improperly. My Dad has always been a good chef as well as an Iron Chef for fish.

I did have one bad experience though. My Dad and my brother were there share it with me.

It was all because of my dear Sister that this happened.........She decided to make us all some of our favorite Peanut Butter and Apple Butter sandwiches. Since we were all hungry and sister was in a hurry, she didn't check the contents of the jar that she was serving the Apple Butter from.

You know how a jar of Fish Grease and Apple Butter can almost look identical?? Yeah. You guessed it. It wasn't till we were in to our 2nd or 3rd bite that we noticed. Bleeeeeeeeeck!!! Phoooooooooootphth!!!! My sister wasn't very popular for a couple of days.[pirate]
I know my very worst experiance(s) was fishing on a peir. I use to always drink soda from a can when I fished because they were cheap, fast, and get a little colder than a bottle does. I don't know how many times it took me swallowing a pissed of Yellow jacket before I decided to swap to something with a cap. [sly]
The worst fish I ever ate was Crevalle Jack. They are nuisance fish and I had gone weeks catching nothing but them and blues... I got the stupid idea of trying one... bled it out, soaked it in milk, marinated it in italian dressing, lots of pepper while cooking on the grill... all that and the worst taste ever! I'll never try that again, unless I'm half-starved!
I made the "jack" mistake once as well[crazy]
[shocked]You went through all that trouble of preparing, texturing, deoderizing, flavoring and cooking the poor ole Jack??

I have a better recipe for Jack Trevally. It is guaranteed to tickle your taste buds or your money back![Wink]

First thing is to make a score down the mid section of the fresh Jack.
2nd Find a suitable sized hook and line, hook it through the nose, dorop it in the water at about 3to5 kts of speed. Troll it till you get bit.
3rd Once you are bit, take that one home and prepare as you normally would for a prized game fish.[cool]
That's the ticket!
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Man I just love grilled salmon. Will order that in a restaurant any day over a steak. That salmon you had was probably lying around in some bodys boat for a week before they cooked up for you. In fact last week I had saute` salmon as grilled was not an option. First time I tried it that way. Hummmmm good!![/size][/green][/font]
Hey Dryrod. Broiled, Baked or Sauteed. Never fried on the salmon unless you are making Tempura style Salmon on a stick.

Keep it simple, keep it healthy.[cool]
I tell you what, i'll give you the benefit of the dought. If you have a good recipe for grilled salmon, i'll have another go at it. The difference is that i'll be picking out the fish and cooking it, rather than placing it in someone elses hands. I know alot of how something tastes depends on two things:

1. quality of product
2. how it's prepared

I'm the kind of person that would rather spend more and get better quality anyways, my wife hates that.(she's a bargain shopper) And I take pride in my cooking, I love to cook; and i'm just as particular about food preperation as I am my fishing equipment. So i'll give the salmon a "round two." [cool]
Well... I was given some frozen Mahi that had Scombroid Poisoning. I was a bit suspicious of the smell when I thawed it. After cooking I took one taste & tossed the lot in the trash. My guests ate pizza![cool]

FYI if you taste a fish & get a tingling, peppery sensation in yer mouth... spit it out & toss the lot.

Other than that, can't say I've ever had BAD tasting fish. I grew up on freshwater fish so I'm used to the taste of mud.[Wink]

Some fish are better than others, of course & much depends on it's care after catch & preparation. You'd be surprised how good a snotstick can be when it goes from the water into a Long Range quality refridgerated hold!

I've eaten our California version of the Spanish Mackeral, Greenback Macks, Greenback & Skipjack (among others) sashimi... you name it. I say if ya don't like the taste of fish... Order a steak![sly]

Probly my all time fave is fresh from the sea Australian Narrow Barred Spanish Mack steaked & grilled with a bit of garlic & pepper. MMMMMMM...

I know this is a "bad taste" thread, but on the subject of salmon... I had it at a Japanese restaurant - hibachi style, where they cook it in front of you - and the cook used teriyaki on it. He 'candied' it, making a sweet, slight crust of teriyaki - dang that was good!
(BTW - that cook is a fishing buddy of mine now!)
In general, Japanese chefs can make any fish taste good. Just ask him to make you some candied blue fish or rays.[cool]
I bled and filleted that big dogfish the father in law caught, I wonder how that will taste on the grill or in the deep fryer?
You can actually use any of your favorite Shark recipes for that Dogfish.

Start with a 2hr milk bath followed by a quick shower of lemon, terriyaki and a couple of drops of liquid smoke.

Broil or BBQ till done. Top it with a fresh sprig of Terragon and a dash of lemon pepper.[cool]
Do you wrap your fish in Aluminum foil when you bake it in the oven? I usually place the fish in aluminum foil, add lemon, salt & pepper chives, butter, then put a couple slices of lemon on top. Then I tightly wrap the fish up, closing the foil all around. This way, the fish bakes in the ingrediants evenly, from top to bottom. How do you do it?[cool]

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