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What are the best glasses?
My polarized glasses allow me to see into the water better... the UVA and UVB protection is an absolute necessity... side shades are very helpful... I saw some on a fishing show yesterday that had a removable piece with foam that blocks out the wind (top and sides, looks useful)... But I've never seen a pair with all that and one important feature that would help those of us that are aging, tho... BIFOCALS!!!

Has anyone seen such a pair?

What features are most desired for sunglasses when fishing to you?

The biggest feature I look for is the polarized thing. Having a pair of polarized glasses on the water is indespensible. I was thinking about getting a pair of perscription polarized sunglasses too, my eyes have pretty much called it quits on me as well.

As for the side walls and foam inserts, i've never used glasses with those, and I don't think i'd like them. They probably fuction very well, but they are probably uncomforatable and they look goofy.[Tongue]
They actually looked pretty good - the host said they were good for windy days. They'd be good for surf fishing, I'm sure. Beside polarized, I think one feature I'd really like is the bifocals - I wear reading glasses and it's tough to see those little knots sometimes. Perhaps some stick-on lenses... anyone seen them anywhere? Hmmm... might be a candidate for the American Inventor show...
Seek and ye shall find... a simple google and here they are (stick on bifocals): [url ""][/url]
I think I'll place an order...
I prefer the polarized myself. They cut the glare and help you to see better in the water too. I generally use the smoked plarized (gray) for Salt water fishing around the islands and clear lakes. I prefer the amber for stained water conditions and surf fishing from the beach.

The type of glassed you mentioned with the side shields have been available for quite some time now. Back in the 70s, I bought some that were for Skiing. They called them "Powder Rims". They had the comfortable side shields that could be removed.

I never did get into skiing but that type of glasses sure helped just being around the snow.

I was going to comment on the stick on Bi Focals but that has already been adressed. You can order those stickers from industrial safety catalogs too. They are available in all the standard magnifications that you can buy the normal reading glasses in.[cool]

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