04-25-2006, 05:56 PM
[size 3][
][font "Poor Richard"][green]Do you know what "White Out" is? If you are thinking fog & snow, that is not what I had in mind. Picture this scene - you are driving 75mph along an interstate hwy when all of a sudden a goose bomb hits you. Now that is a white out. Now in order to protect the environment & our safety the government should require that all large birds be fitted with a diaper. Why not! They are trying to control everything else around us. Just had to get this in. LOL[/green][/font][/size][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]
Now on the serious side - what have you done lately to insure that your ability to enjoy fishing is not threatened? e.g. Businesses or people contaminating the waterways. Did you report this? Local water districts are known to divert waterways for their own interest. Usually an organization like Trout Unlimited is on top of a problem of this nature - but maybe not. Why don't you take a minute and contact this or a similar organization to voice your complaint. Since we all are on line, one can easily conduct this activity be e-mail. Also find out who your local representative is and let them know your position on this subject.

Now on the serious side - what have you done lately to insure that your ability to enjoy fishing is not threatened? e.g. Businesses or people contaminating the waterways. Did you report this? Local water districts are known to divert waterways for their own interest. Usually an organization like Trout Unlimited is on top of a problem of this nature - but maybe not. Why don't you take a minute and contact this or a similar organization to voice your complaint. Since we all are on line, one can easily conduct this activity be e-mail. Also find out who your local representative is and let them know your position on this subject.