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Lake Mead Sunday
[inline "2006 Photo class - Dave 029.jpg"]Sunday, 09/17/06- Hit the water early (5:30am). Encountered a steady breeze out of the north as we headed for Las Vegas Wash, hopefully to net some shad. Arrived to find an area loaded with bait. Out came the net and after a few tosses our live wells were full.
[inline "2006 Photo class - Dave 023.jpg"]
Don, toss the net!
[inline "2006 Photo class - Dave 037.jpg"]
Livewell full of shad

As soon as the bait was stowed the area around the boat blew up in a boil! Out came the poles and the top water fun began. The boat was about five feet from shore and sitting in four feet of water when this happened.
[inline "2006 Photo class - Dave 027.jpg"]
Seven stripers made it into the box from my end of the boat. The topwater lure that was used can be seen in the upper right hand corner of the photo. The action was great! Several times the lure was tossed onto the shore and tugged back into the water with a "walk the dog" action that spooks are famous for. Soon the boil ended and we headed out in the channel to anchor and try our luck with live bait. The wind was blowing too strong to drift fish. The action end up being steady with fifteen more stripers and one catfish being added to the box. Also released several really small stripers and a couple of skinny ones.
[inline "2006 Photo class - Dave 054.jpg"]
Above photo shows wave action that was encountered while sitting at anchor! A guide in a white & yellow ranger boat was anchored near us and was very successful with live shad also. Back in the marina by noon. What a great Day!
right next to the shore line? nice catch. thanks for the update.

As always, thanks for the great reports and pics. Man, you are making me so jealous. I tell you...there are many times where I have seriously considered just moving out to Mead. Great fishing. Great people. It's a beautiful lake.

I guess I'll just have to wait another 3 weeks and 2 days. Then my fishing expedition begins. I'm going for a personal best on this trip. I'll make sure to share some of my photos with the board upon my return.

Thanks again!

Best regards,


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