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New Auger Blades
Seeing how I like to procrastinate everything, I have found myself in the middle of the ice fishing season with very dull blades. This caused a problem because nobody locally had my blades in stock. Through eskimo's web site,, I found The Country Store. I was leary because I had never heard of them and they are from Wisconsin, but they came through and my blades arrived a few days after ordering from their web site, The price was very competitive to local retailers but there was the added cost of shipping. Also I called a time or to to check status and there was not computer-human interface. I actually was able to talk to a real person, that spoke English very well.

I thought I would share that in case anybody else is wishing that they would have bought new blades at the beginning of the season as well.
Don't throw out your old blades. There is a grinding shop in SLC on 600 South & 400 West that has sharpend blades for my Eskimo auger. You'll always have a backup set. I'll post the name & number on Monday.
I just bought a new pair of blades for my strikemaster (8"), and it cost me $25. I feel fortunate because they were the very last ones in the store. There has been high demand for them up here in my neck of the woods, so that is driving up the prices. I know a lot of places that have run out, so I don't feel too bad paying the steep charge.

And it sure made a world of difference with those new blades! Fishing Hyrum this morning, I was cutting through the 8"-10" of ice in no time. It kinda surprised me that my old blades were that dull. I'll keep my old blades incase I find a place that can sharpen them with the right angle.
I can't wait for you to post the name and telephone number. I had a terrible time drilling some holes today. I believe I wore holes through the ice rather than drilling them.
The place I used is called Razors Edge, which is part of CNC Machine & Design. Their address is 366/368 West 600 South in SLC phone number is 531-9922 They are open 9-6, M-F. It takes a few days for sharpening so get there on Monday/Tuesday if you want the blades back by Friday. I don't remember what they charged but it seemed reasonable.

If SLC is too far to drive, try looking in the yellow pages under Grinding or Sharpening Services. Look for someone that sharpens industrial or production tooling.
Thanks. I found out that my neighbor (who has a sharpening shop less than 1 mile from my house in North Salt Lake) also sharpens them, so it will be really handy for me to drop them off at his shop.
wheres he at here in nsl kent? do you know what he would charge for a set of blades?
NSL Saw & Tool
3221 South Highway 89, Bountiful, UT 84010
(801) 295-1296

I don't know how much he charges.
thanks a lot! i'll give him a call.
He charged me $9.05 (including tax) for sharpening my 10 inch power blades.
thanks a lot for the info. its good to know that i dont have to spend an arm and a leg for blades now. let me know how they work out! i think im good for a little longer, but have noticed them getting slightly more dull.

thanks again, bkidder
My experience has been with auger blades they move from "slightly more dull" to not being able to drill a hole without major effort extremely fast. I remember a few years ago I went fishing with utwalleye and we had no problem drilling holes with his hand auger. We went out again just a couple weeks later and we just about got hernias trying to drill four holes. On my power auger the trip before last I noticed that it wasn't drilling as quickly as it used to drill, and this past Saturday I received a major beating in drilling a few holes.
well, maybe i just better get them sharpened then! thanks a lot kent!
Is there ayny place it UT county to ge blades sharpened??

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