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Basic Noodles in Soup
Topping for soup
1/2 lb Egg noodles
2 tsp Soy sauce
1 tsp Peanut oil
3 dsh Sesame oil, more or less
1/8 tsp Pepper
6 cup Stock
Method :
1. Prepare any of the simple or stir-fried toppings suggested in recipes:
"Basic Noodles Simple Toppings", "Basic Noodles Chicken Topping #1/#2",
"Basic Noodles Cooked Chicken Topping #1/#2", or "Basic Noodles Pork and Spinach Topping"
2. Parboil noodles as in "Parboiled Noodles #1/#2".
3. Place noodles in a bowl. Add soy sauce, peanut oil, sesame oil and pepper, and toss well. Keep noodles warm. Meanwhile bring stock to a boil.
4. Transfer noodles to a large tureen or to individual soup bowls. Arrange topping over noodles; then pour heated stock over and serve at once.
NOTE: When stir-fried toppings are used, the stock is added first in step 4, then the topping. VARIATIONS:
1. Leave the noodles unseasoned. Season the stock instead with 1/2 teaspoon salt and the pepper.
2. After step 2, brown the noodles in a little oil before placing them in soup bowls. Season lightly with salt and pepper.

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