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Casa Vieja Fleet - Pto. San Jose, Guatemala
This year the sailfish bite has been below average. Historically the bite averages 21 raises per day but we have been averaging 10. Most think it's because of the El nino. The water temp has to break soon and when it does the angelrs who are there are sure to see another record breaking release on sails.

One unique occurrence has been the raise count of marlin. Marlin are not unusual in Guatemala just not a signifant number like the Pacific Sailfish. The Casa Vieja fleet (4 boats) has raised over 30 marlin (blues, blacks, stripes) in just less than a month. With all the other local captains I'm sure this number would raise significantly.

Because of the weather,when the water temps change, the fishing action should go for a longer "season". I'm quoting season as sailfsih are prominent year round in Guatemala, just more boats are fishing November through May.

There are still May dates available if anyone is interested in getting into some of the action.

Merijo Attong
Casa Vieja Lodge
Pto. San Jose, Guatemala

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