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Yuba 03/24/07
[#505000]Took a small contingent of co-workers fishing to Yuba Saturday. I always get nervous when take out rookies because the pressure is on to get them into some fish.[/#505000]
[#505000]We fished near the dam and arrived at the lake around 0630. I reached in the water to fill my water bubble and thought I may lose my fingers to frostbite. That water was COLD. Everyone got set up to fish and I tossed in my bait pole and started to fish a gold Jake's with red dots on my second pole.[/#505000]
[#505000]Within a few minutes one of my buddies hooked into a decent sized trout. A few minutes later I felt my Jake's get slammed and I also brought in a decent sized trout. Within minutes all my co-workers were scrambling to get Jakes tied onto their second poles. [/#505000]
[#505000]In short order I managed to catch a secod trout on my Jakes, and then my bait pole started in on the perch. A co-worker found a trout on his Jakes, then all the bait poles started to hum. Before too long everyone but me gave up on lures and went to bait.[/#505000]
[#505000]I managed to get 5 trout on Jakes, 3 more on bait, and about 10-5 perch on bait. It was a fun trip. [/#505000]
[#505000]One co-worker ended the day with four trout and another ended the day with five. One looked to be getting a skunk and threatend that I would walk home if I kept catching. In the end he got into the perch and ended the day with ten. [/#505000]
[#505000]Around 11am some asshat with a boat cruised over the top of our lines about 30 feet off shore and the fish turned off [mad] and at noon we decided to call it a day. [/#505000]
[#505000]All fish were released with the exception of a couple of trout one guy decided to keep. Tubedude the second fish of the day I caught looked like the twin to the one you caught the previous day half black spawning colors and half pale. [/#505000]
[#505000]All the bows we caught were chubby, and healthy. No sign of Anchor worms. I would put them in the 17"-20" range. The perch we caught were chubby, chubby hogs. I really hope they don't hit a bust cycle before the DWR opens up the lake to perch possession. Those caught would have made a fine fine meal![/#505000]
I went up there on Saturday night and my only trout came on a silver jakes.
Always nice when the fish help you look good for new people. Too bad about the boat.
[#505000]Due to the time of day I think the fish were likely to turn off an yway. It just irritates me when people aren't considerate enough to keep some distance. We all complain about the PWC crowd but even tubers, tooners, and boats need to keep a healthy distance in my opinion.[/#505000]
[#505000]My personal rule of thumb is if I am within 40 feet of someone's maximum cast range I am on the edge of too close.[/#505000]
[cool][#0000bf]Glad to hear you guys got into some fish. I guess you get to keep your guiding merit badge.[/#0000bf]
[#0000bf]Those trout really do operate on mood swings...and they aren't all females. They were mostly absent when we were there on Friday, but a guy in a boat told us that two days before there were fish all over from top to bottom at that end of the lake. We hardly found anything on sonar and the only biters were small and ugly. A lot to be said for timing...and having a good guide. How about helping me out some time?[/#0000bf]
[#0000bf]You may have caught the same fish I released. He swam off strongly after I took those nasty hooks out of him. Wierd lookin' dude though. Of course, that is probably what he told the other fish about me.[/#0000bf]
[#0000bf]Got some more cats at LB today. See report.[/#0000bf]

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