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South Indian River Fishing Report
March 29, 2007


I had a fantastic week out there on the water. Oh yeah, the winds blew and the river was choppy on most days, but my fun came in the excitement of watching kids fishing. I had the pleasure of having several charters that involved kids who aged from four years to the teens. Nothing can beat the expressions on a child's face as they are reeling in a fish. Take a kid fishing with you soon!

Once again, trout were our mainstays out on the water. Find some clean grass flats on the east side of the river and you should find some trout hanging around. I had Tyler and Vincent Serio on the boat sunday for the Teen Angler Tournament and Tyler caught a nice trout that won him the Middle School Division this month. Anthony was down with his dad from Long Island and he boated a nice 22" trout on a twitch bait. Hal and Chris fished with me on saturday and we caught a number of nice trout out there on the grass flats. Jerk baits and live shrimp has also worked well for us this week.

[Image: th_charters001126009.jpg]
Tyler Serio with his trout that won first place Middle School at the Teen Anglers Tournament!

We found a number of redfish up on the shallow flats. Most were sunning those days, but we did manage a nice slot on saturday. As the water temps continue to rise, look for them to become more active and hungry out there. We should see some schooling soon. Soft baits, twitch baits or gold spoons are always a good start on the flats. We have been fishing mostly the east side of the river the past few weeks.

[Image: th_charters001126008.jpg]
[Image: th_charters001126006-1.jpg]
7 year old Turner and dad, Keith, fighting and landing a huge ladyfish!

Snook fishing was great earlier in the week for the night anglers. Several reported catching their limits a few nights this week. Live shrimp or pinfish have been the best choices, with feather jigs a close second. Up on the flats, use top water early on the edges for another chance at a hookup with a snook. We caught several up to 24" earlier in the week on the flats. Hal Weliver reported a nice 27" snook taken on the flats this week.

[Image: th_charters001126010.jpg]
Anthony with a nice Indian River trout this week...

Ladyfish and jacks have provided us with several days of fun. I had the pleasure of taking Keith Mullins and his two boys, Turner (7) and Frank (4) out on the river and they had a great time catching the lively ladies. Turner caught the largest one I have seen around here in a long time. It gave him a good workout, but he won the battle. Bridges have been yielding black drum, sheephead and sand perch this week. Those brave enough to hit the surf have been catching whiting and some bluefish. Spanish mackerel and bluefish have continued to hang around the jetties.

Tip of the Week: I think spring is trying to work its way into the Treasure Coast. Spring bring lots of sunshine and opportunities to get out fishing as the wind gradually lets up. It's a great time to fish and also a great time for that sunburn! Both the sun, wind and water together can give you that beet red look in a very short time. Make sure you use plenty of good sunscreen when you hit the water. It only takes a second to put it on and sure makes the end of the day much more enjoyable for everyone.

As always, remember, fishing is not just another's an ADVENTURE!!

Good Fishing and Be Safe,
Capt Charlie Conner

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Thanks for the report charlie! [cool]

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