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What's happening to the USA?
I read a post on another board and it sparked an anoying thought in my mind, and I thought I would share it with my fellow Carolinians. Over the years, there's been some major changes in this country, and if you add them up, it's almost amazing how things have changed. We use to say the pledge of alligence in school, now we can't because it has the words "under God" in it. I say who cares. If you come to this country to live and go to our schools, you can pledge your alligence under the same ideals that our fore fathers built this country on; or you can take your butt back where you came from.

Then they made Georgia and SC take the Confederate flags down; Flags that are part of the southern heritage and evolution. The way I see it, if you don't like it, then don't look at it when you pass by.

And what's with this ADHD mess that all these kids are getting diagnosed with? My son has it too. They give him some sort of medication for it. They forget to mention that it can cause them to become depressed, loose appetite, and drastically affect thier mood. All of which happened to my son. Now they changed his medicine again. When I was growing up, you got the belt on the rear end when you where bad, not a pill for being too hyper. I remember my grandmother use to make me go outside and get a swich off the bush. She'd tear the back of my legs up with that thing. But now a days, the society looks down on disciplining children. Instead they give the misbehavior a name and prescribe medicine. Hell, 11 year kids are suppose to be hyper, there's nothing wrong with them accept they need to be parented.

You can't even stop and help someone on the side of the road with out fear of being sued for something.

What happened to helping you neighbor? What happened to believing in God and respecting others? This country is going to crap, and it's because of the US allowing all the imigrants to take over in setting the policies and procedures. They are so scared of offending someone, our own government has forgoten what the United States is all about.

I put a many years active duty in the military. I did 2 tours in the middle east. And for what? Vengance? No, I think it was for money. War is good for the economy. HOwever, it also accomplished keeping the war off of American soil. If we loose there, it will surely follow us back here. But it's our own fault. And now we are loosing American lives to try and fix it.

I know this is contravercial, but i'm curious what everyone else thinks.
don't get me started on this subject. not enough room to vent my frustation. i have told my children on many occasions i hurt for them because they will never experience the america i knew while i was growing up. although not perfect by any stretch of the imagination it was a great place to grow up. the country has lost her moral and spiritual compass. we have reached a place where right is wrong and wrong is right. there is no longer black and white when it comes issues. we now have a blurring of that line. lifestyles that are ungodly are flaunted. immorality is so pervasive in the entertainment industry. it is difficult to find a tv program where a family can sit down together and not be embarassed by inappropriate story lines. political correctness will be the death of this great nation. people like rosie o'donnell and bill maher and hollywood kooks constanly berating our country as THE world's problem. politicians who hunger for power willing to do anything to get it. the vast majority of them are out for themselves and refuse to put aside their desires for the better of the country. we live in a society that is becoming more and more hostile toward faith. well, the Christian faith that is. we don't want to say or do anything to offend the muslim community but attacking the Christian faith is permitted and applauded. i told you not to get me started. better stop while by blood pressure is still in the safe range
I share your same passion my friend. Just raising a child properly has become a feat in itself. How am I, as a parent, suppose to shield my children from the evil things that have become part of everyday life? That same evil has been accepted in society, a society that 15 years ago wouldn't have allowed it.

LOL, I guess I needed to vent as well. It's so frustrating now a days. I wish I could afford to take my son out of school and home school him, and do the same for my newest born son when he's old enough.

I don't even have cable TV, but even on regular TV it's aweful the things that are on there. Luckily, my son doesn't watch much TV, I try to keep him busy doing things outside. But, we do the best we can. I'll continue to adapt and over come, one way or the other. It just concerns me because this generation of children today don't think for themselves. They are weak minded and lack the will to make wise choices. Lord help us 40 years from now. Thank God there's fishing! [cool]

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