06-06-2007, 03:45 PM
ok well heres just a couple that i know.. you guys add on yoru knowledge too!! lets help the noobs (no offense) catch a few gooduns
Bluegills - Wax worms, Red worms, Bits of crawlers, and small white twisters - or Small orange double tailed twisters.. and basically any thing else that moves in the water haha them bluegill will eat just abotu anythign you throw in the water if you catch em at the right time but yea just throw a worm on a smaller hook like a 6 or 8 and crank it in the water fairly slow them stop and jig for a second that drives em nuts!!! Wether in the pond or the lake these setups work great for me!!
Crappie - Now, these little buggers are a whole different story..
i use a few different things on these guys starting with Jigs.
Jigs are ideal for crappie because you can hook alot of different combos on them that crappies to fit to munchin' on for instance a white lead headed jig with a white twister tail does exceptionally well.. and just alot of different colors and setups.. i perfer red n white tubes.. and sparkly twister tails as well.. next is the good ole crappie rig just set yourself up with one and hook a couple minnys on it and toss 'er out there.. usually works pretty good. and even try different colored hooks gold hooks and red hooks are what i use number 6's to be exact.. the crappie luv em.. also even throw the old jig and minny combo thats a killer crappie catcher and of course crappie jigs are great..
and to those of you who consider perch to be a panfish here ya go..
Perch-the good ol bobber worm n a hook works great.. but!! try these: Crappie rig with one hook set way lower then the other throw a couple worms on it and toss 'er out there.. haha also feather jigs with a small minnow works pretty good (believe or not)
or a green headed jig with a black twister a very small twister tho i kill the jumbos with that combo..
Feel free to add anything to these wether it be ideas,tips whatever lets get this post going!!!
and goodluck and i hope you find my tips helpfull leave some feed back if you tried these out!! thanks - Randy

Bluegills - Wax worms, Red worms, Bits of crawlers, and small white twisters - or Small orange double tailed twisters.. and basically any thing else that moves in the water haha them bluegill will eat just abotu anythign you throw in the water if you catch em at the right time but yea just throw a worm on a smaller hook like a 6 or 8 and crank it in the water fairly slow them stop and jig for a second that drives em nuts!!! Wether in the pond or the lake these setups work great for me!!
Crappie - Now, these little buggers are a whole different story..
i use a few different things on these guys starting with Jigs.
Jigs are ideal for crappie because you can hook alot of different combos on them that crappies to fit to munchin' on for instance a white lead headed jig with a white twister tail does exceptionally well.. and just alot of different colors and setups.. i perfer red n white tubes.. and sparkly twister tails as well.. next is the good ole crappie rig just set yourself up with one and hook a couple minnys on it and toss 'er out there.. usually works pretty good. and even try different colored hooks gold hooks and red hooks are what i use number 6's to be exact.. the crappie luv em.. also even throw the old jig and minny combo thats a killer crappie catcher and of course crappie jigs are great..
and to those of you who consider perch to be a panfish here ya go..
Perch-the good ol bobber worm n a hook works great.. but!! try these: Crappie rig with one hook set way lower then the other throw a couple worms on it and toss 'er out there.. haha also feather jigs with a small minnow works pretty good (believe or not)
or a green headed jig with a black twister a very small twister tho i kill the jumbos with that combo..
Feel free to add anything to these wether it be ideas,tips whatever lets get this post going!!!
