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Little Pee Dee fishing report
We got to hit the river this past weekend. It was very hot and mostly uneventful. The tale-tale sonar gave me a reading of an 88 degree water temp. HOLY CRAP! LOL, that's hot for the river. But, with the water being super low, it really isn't too surprising. The sand bars were all over the place, and if you didnt' know the river pretty good, you'd definately find the shallow spots. We watched atleast a half dozen boats nail a sand bar. Atleast they all had enough sense not to haul butt when the water was down.

The small bream were biting in full force. Wax worms where doing to job as we scraped up enough for bait. I had brought along some of the goldfish that were left over just incase. The heat probably had the larger panfish down deep, but since I wasn't targeting the big ones, I never changed my tactics. One of the anglers on my boat got Angry at his rod when it tangled up and it went for a swim. Shortly afterwards I ended up going for a swim after it, as he was too old to be diving around the bottom of the river after a fishing pole. [sly] LOL!!!!!! After my little dip in the water, we decided we had enough bait to chase after a few catfish.

Before we hit the spot, we made a detour to a nice sandy bank to do a little swimming. This is where we watched all the boats hit the sand bar. LOL, it was pretty funny to see their faces when they just stopped all the sudden. If they were going fast enough to be dangerous, of course we yelled at them to stop. But if they were just putting along, they became the victom of our devious comic relief plan.

Once we got on my favorite hole, we dropped a few baits down. I put a goldfish on mine and I put a small bream on my sons. It wasn't long before my CD-50 took off. It was a monster hit and I just new it was a nice cat. But, once I set the hook and began reeling in, I was surprised how easily the line was comming in. But, it was not catfish, it was a gar. MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was so disapointing. I have never caught a flathead in this hole when the gar are hanging around. Apparently the water was a little too low and the gar moved in, and the catfish moved out. We got hit after hit, and managed to land about a half dozen decent sized gar, but not a single catfish. That's how it is though. The water needs to come up about 2 or 3 feet. Better luck next time I guess......................... I'll be hitting the lake in Hartsville for some tubing probably Saturday, and either sunday or monday i'll be dragging the big boat over to the ocean for some action. Maybe i'll have better luck there. [cool]
Sorry your trip didnt turn up any Cats....How big were the Gar? I saw a pod of Gar on Clarks hill lake a while back..They were about 3 feet long..I was sight casting a red Dalburg Diver at them...They would all turn and look at it and bum rush it. I kept stinging them but could never get a hook set. I learned later on that a piece of rope works well. They get there teeth stuck in it. Anyway I guess a few Gar are better than a skunked trip.[sly]
Yeah, the gar atleast decided to play for a while. They weren't that big, a little less than 2' long. There are some monsters in there though. We've caught them over 4' long in there. And they are a pain to hook. They kept stealing the bait. We hooked about one to every 5 hits. That's not a very good ratio. LOL! I've never tried the rope thing, but maybe next time. I just hope the water goes up a bit. It's too low right now. [Smile]

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