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What you don't know can hurt you
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Just a word of advice to my fellow fishermen & outdoors men about the ill effects that can occur from too much exposure to the sun. Always use a good sun screen whenever you plan on being outdoors particularly on the water. Even if you have dark hair like me for it seems like having blue eyes is a major player. I just returned from my dermatologists where I had Mohs Micrographic surgery. Two & ½ hours and numerous stitches later I was heading for home. I have had so many bouts with skin cancer [mostly on my face] that I have lost tract as to how many surgeries that I have had. It was not until I was in my 50’s that these basil cells started to appear. Constant exposure to the sun in my earlier years started to take its toll. I never burned but turned a nice golden brown. Hey I was young besides I wouldn’t have believed anyone that said that I could develop skin cancer later on in life. Fishing in the Florida salt for several years didn’t help either. I mention this subject hoping only to inform those that have the same attitude that I did as a younger person to care for their skin before the damage becomes permanent.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3] [/size][/green][/font]
man, thats gotta hurt.
you have my empithy for having to go through that.

true sun is a contributer of skin cancer, and they call it sun cancer up here in MI, like I said it only a contributer, I know folks who have burned year after year and in to thier 90 have never developed skin leasions or cancer,

it has a lot to do with if you carry the cancer gene, and yes there is a skin cancer gene. The best way is to look at your family tree and see if any one else has ever had it. The hard part about this for folks our age is that skin cancer was not talked about much 50 years ago, it was just called leasions of the skin. And ya people died from leasions of the skin, but it was rare.

another thing that is a major factor in the last hundred and seventy years is with the synthetic chemical forest we walk though every day from the moment we get up with the cloreine bath and perfumed soaps to soy by products in our breakfast to the fumes on the road and the chem mist and dust in our work places all the way back to the shower at the end of the day is a constant bombardment of toxic warfare on our skin.

the new thinner oils from our boat motors goes deaper in to our skin, still ends up in our lakes, I can see the film on the shore of my lake every morning, (from prevaling western winds on the eastern side of the lake)

even the cooking oils that were susposed to be good for us like wesson and others turn out to be 100 times worse than home churned butter. I argued that point ever since I was a kid, I mean it was simple to me, big fat butter molucles are harder to absorbe than super thin cooking oils.. and gues what, 40 years later thay call them cooking oils trans fat now... LOL.. bunch of idiots.

I agree with you in that it is varry important that caution be taken when dealing with the sun. I cant tell ya how many times I have come out of the fryer looking like an over cooked drum stick with second dagree burns. And yes not only can the sun give you second degree burns it can cause third degree burns as well especialy on the water. I can tell ya they are painfull.

as it seems that skin, hair and eye color dosnt play a part in burns altitude and atmospheric preasure dose play a major roll in the servarity of burns along with the humitity (amount of moiture in the air)

If you grew up in a major city or a manufacturing comunity you are 90% more likley to come down with skin cancer along with other types of cancer or unkown aliments.

the problem with being the top dowg is that we will be the means of our own undoing. (down fall) History has proven this time and time again over the last 10 thousand years. Every advanced civilization has fallen because of greed and arrogance from the ming and mongols of asia major to the pharos of egypt to the roman empire to the viking empire to the incas to traces of civilazations we have no clue to who thay are.

the last paragraph would seem to be off the track, not realy, it is that same arrogance that leads us to beleive we can continue to develope a synthetic world. Dont get me wrong, I am enjoying the hell out of it. But I do beleive we need to be a little more responcible in that we realy need to keep things more basic especialy our foods products. Less synthetics in the foods, Ya, I will suffer greatly when I have to give up my tWinkies....

Skin cancer like all cancers seems to have no ryme or reason as to who it affects, two people fishing out of the same boat for the same number of years and one comes down with skin cancer and the other dosnt sure leaves a lot for scratch ones head over.

But by all means I agree one must take precautions in the sun.

heres a good one, the zink sunblocks from years back are known to cause cancer, yep over exposure to sink causes cancer... who knew? and guess what, next time you look in to your tater chip bags and see that silver lining, "That is zink" how do I know? I used to machein the metal plates used to electroplate the plastic flim of chip bags.

zink is needed in our diets, but it has its evils as well.

zink is used to reduce the oils from the plastics of those chip bags from getting in to the food product. "cant win for loosing" For every advancement there is a set back. We just keep trading one problem for another.

I remember reading in the bible that salt is the spice of life and we should partake of salt, yet in the very next line it says we should not partake of salt if it offends us...

one can think of cancer like botulism, if something causes our cells to not receive oxigen then the cells mutate in to a form of living cell that lives in the lack of oxigen much like botulism cancer cells creates its own envoronment. Like every other creature on the top of the chain cancer is its own downfall because it kills its host. Burning of the skin causes just such an environment along with the synthetics we live with and the combination of these factors is a cancers dream factory....

sorry for the babble, I had nothing better to do...

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