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Ok, for the past 3 or 4 months i have been aiming for catfish. i have tried more than 6 different baits, and i have failed to catch one single cat despite literally every single other person around me catching them. I'd fed up with it. so im gonna expand my aim outwards to bass. I want to catch something besides brim and bluegill, im ired of those, i want bigger fish. so since i haven't even the slightest clue on where to begin with bass fishing, can someone give me a basic setup for a rig? all help greatly appreciated. thank you.
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It is OK to branch out and diversify. If you are having such a struggle with the Catfish, you will be glad to know that Bass can be really finicky too.
Let's start from square 1 again. What kind of rod and reel do you have right now and what size of line are you using?[cool]
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i have the same synergy 10 with 12 lb line, and i bout an ugly stick for catfishin, and its got 25 lb line on it. if i cant catch bass from shore, go ahead and tell me now before i get into it lol. cuz there's no boating.  ly. and im still fishin in the tennessee river, i have no other places to fish lol
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That is good. Since we have some choices of equipment, use the lighter of the 2.
The Bass will be hanging out in similar areas as the Trout. The difference is that they like a little more cover or structure to hide under.
Do you have sliding sinkers and any Bass Hooks??? [cool]
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well, if by sliding sinkers you mean a sinker that has a sinker stopper on it to keep it from running amok on the line, then yes, i do. i tried to use them on my 10 lb line, but the stopper wouldnt clamp on the line and stay, it would slide around, just not as freely. when the sinker impacted it it would slide down to the hook. but if you mean something else, i don't know if i do. im looking up what reas they like right now... i found an area i was sure catfish were hangin at, but all i did was lose my sinker and cat lure, which was the last straw.
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I think tube ment some bullet weights and worm hooks, he dosent know southern [  ] Do a quick google on texas rig and Im sure youll catch right on. I usually go with the gamagatsu offset shank worm hooks and black bullet weights. Sizes and weight are all going to depend on what your fishing with and the conditions. But on the tennessee river I think I'd start out with some dark colored zoom craws as my first option.
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so the zoom craw is one of the artificial lures? do i need anything else like a bobber and stuff? crankbaits, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits anything like that do any good down here?
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[laugh] We save the bullets for our P shooters. Brass N Glass for the Hawg Hunters. ha ha.
I'm just trying to get him going from basic up to advanced. I have about 17 different colors of Bullet Sinkers. As far as Gamakatsu goes, I just picked them up as one of my new sponsors.[cool]
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Congrats on gamakatsu! Ive been using their products ever since they hit the shelves of my local walmart. [cool]
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Thanks bro. I am also starting my saltwater package soon. Owner and Trilene come with the Package.[cool]
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i went out tonight and got some zoom super salt plus watermelon seed 6" lizards. i was so focused on seeing what the colors were i was completely oblivious to the fact that i had bought lizards...oh well, im gonna give it a shot tomorrow. i figure ill get a few nightcrawlers and re-rig my catfishin line to cast out to shoot the breeze--and maybe i'll get lucky and hook a cat. i dont care though, i just want to catch something besides a brim or a bluegill. ive caught plenty of those tiny things. i want something a little bigger. thanks for the help guys
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The lizzards should work just fine for the bigger Bass. You just have to work them real slow. Throw one out and wait at least 2 minutes before giving it a slight, slow twitch. If there is a big one in the area, he should hit it sometime after the first twitch up to the 2nd or 3rd twitch. Give a good minute in between each twitch.[cool]
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Watermelon lizards arnt a bad choice at all. I'd start with the texas rig but a carolina rig with a lizard is always a good option in this hot weather weve been having. On the same note its also a great rig in the winter with a finesse worm. Also listen to everything tube says, he has tons of information to offer. Theres tons of mediocre bass fisherman like me out there but you dont run accross guys like him everyday.
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ahh, whats that? a glint of hope in the distance?
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trust me dude, im taking notes! im going probably tomorrow afternoon for a few minutes after i get off work. i dont know if ill get to go tomorrow night because im hopefully getting a tatoo. the only thing i regret about the whole thing is that there isnt any advice about fishin i could give back--i havent caught enough lol. but until i do, if you guys need help with guitar, i might be able to help lol. thats wht i do when im not workin or fishin.
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One good thing about the tennessee river where you are in north bama is the fish variety. You have largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass in the black bass family, white bass and stripers, walleye and trout all in the same waters. Not to mention the big cats, drum and crappie. When your bass fishing from the bank you really need to move alot, dont just sit down in one spot (unless your catching fish there) but work the bank. A few years ago I was staying with my cousin on lake laneir and the water was way down so I'd work the bank and probably walk 7 or 8 miles a day. Try some crickethoppers in a crawfish color, you can catch alot of small bass on them around there. Plus you never know when a big one gonna hit it and youll be able to catch whitebass and panfish.
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There is always hope for the Bass. After you try the watermelon lizards go back to the Bass store and get some other darker colors too. Something in Oxblood or Red Shad for when the river is a little more murky and then some Pumpkin Seed or Road Kill Camo for the slower flowing days.
Don't forget to get some of them in the Brush Hogs or the newwer Reaction Innovations Trixie series.
We also have a member on this site that can make just about any type of plastic that you can dream of. Check out
He has good prices too.[cool]
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im gonna take it slow, just try to catch something tomorrow. i have a prime spot picked out, only problem is its on the boat ramp lol. walk out all the way on the dock and turn, and there is a small section of river going up that way, and there is a tree overhang there, and saturday morning, right before i lost a cat lure, i saw some big fish jumping right there under that overhang. so im gonna cast right in that area, but away from the trees, as not to get another line stuck. there is a little trail going back up to the top of that overhang, but its small grown over, and there's copperheads all in there. no thanks. catchin a fish aint worth a sequel to snakes on a plane--"Snakes on a fisherman". all i can do is just go for it and hope i catch something. the whole twitching thing tube suggested seems like something i can easily accomplish and what i hope will be effective in my area....
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[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]"Snakes on a fisherman" ha ha LOL That is funny bro.[laugh][laugh][laugh]
Yeah, you want to be carefull with them toothy critters. One litte bite from them can ruin your whole fishing trip.
As far as the other colors and styles go, those are for future refference. I am just giving you some color recommendations that you use later on when you have a surplus of money and want to know what colors to play with next.[  ]
Fishing all along that dock and under the overhanging tree should be good from the way you are describing it.
Catch a big one![cool]
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im sure ill catch SOMETHING, at least. i work for my town's maintenance crew, and we water the town's plants, so we have 2 huge water tanks that we fill up at the same boat dock im talking about. so this morning i was down there fillin the tanks up to water, and i was leaning over a rail looking into the water, and i saw some dark colored, longish fish, wasnt brim, fairly sure it wasnt bluegill, they looked like a different body shape than bluegill. anyway, thats when it hit me, when im fillin up the tanks i should bring one of my poles and get about 10 minutes of fishing in lol. my boss got a small chuckle out of that--almost stillborn. knowing my luck, thats when i'd hook a huge catfish and have a 3 hour fight on my hands. id have to cut the line and let it go lol. ubt yeah, after seein those fish there, it dawned on my im bound to catch something there.