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Trial Lake, Utah
I wasn't going to post this report cause it was the usual beautiful quiet day in the Uintas. There were several nice Bucks and Does by the road so be ware of that.
Got to the lake at 8:00 a.m. and out on the water. Caught several fish nymphing about 5' deep with Pheasant tails and Prince nymphs. They started rising a lot so caught several more on Royal Wulffs.
Then the wind started to pick up so headed for shore arouns 11:00 a.m. I threw on a TYPE II with a black and Purple Gartside Softhackle and a Wet Coachman and caught several more on both.
One thing I wanted to report, I did have my sonar on and right by the parking lot where the water appears brown, it is around 5' deep, however out toward the middle it is 52' deep. Thought that was kinda cool and wished I had a faster sinking line to find the big boys on the bottom, but alas, I was using my bamboo so, the heavier weight line wouldn't have worked well at all.

Great day non the less:

[Image: TrialLake2007001450.jpg]
[Image: TrialLake2007002450.jpg]
[Image: TrialLake2007007450.jpg]
[Image: TrialLake2007008450.jpg]
... that first pic is of your "other" half on the H3 correct?... until I saw this angle did not really realize just how high out of the water he truely is... [Smile].. dont see Baxster did he get left at home or was he with you.. [sly]....

.. great looking pics though.. should of gotten the buck and doe too.. [sly] .. but that is a different "season"... but really looks like you two had a good day... thank you for sharing and the great pics...

Actually, that is his Navigator II. He has a thing for [#ff0000]RED!.[/#ff0000]
I did have Baxster, I had to get his fishing MOJO in check if he is going to be my co-pilot. It worked, we caught fish [#000000]this [/#000000]time.[cool]

Here he is in the H3
[inline "H3's pt. 2 001 450.jpg"]

I have a habit of leaving my camera in my boat bag or I would have got a picture of the deer.
well we both know I dont know my h3 from my nav II.. heheheh but you do confuse me with both being read..[sly]... but did go to NFO to check on the differences so that helps.. [sly].. but Id say either way both look to keep him well placed out of the water...

.. glad you got the Baxsters mojo working with you.. just hope he does not get chewing hungry while out there with you... [sly]

MacFly [cool]

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