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Ilwaco Salmon
[size 1]Thought I would post a report on the Washington board since I had such a great trip to your beautiful state. I live in Utah and post on the Utah board quite a bit. Fished for salmon out of Ilwaco Washington. Took a charter out 2 different days and caught a bunch of salmon. You could keep 2 a day which we did. Brought home around 40 pounds of salmon. Tried fresh tuna for the first time and brought home some sturgeon meat to try. Caught 1 king but it was the same size as the silvers. Trolled divers and herring in 200 feet of water just about due west of Seaside OR. We state 3 nights in Long beach at an RV camp. Great weather and lots of fun. Well, I am back in my desert state wishing I lived closer to the ocean.[/size]
Awesome, good to here you got into some fish and brought some home to dine on.
Nice report, thanks for the pics! When those silvers are in it can be hot and heavy. We had a killer trip up there a few years ago. Thanks for the post.

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