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Steel, mine workers unions back Edwards
WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards is getting the endorsement of two unions, the United Steelworkers and the United Mine Workers of America, on Labor Day.

[url ";_ylt=Aolt6y41BAFDcRMCViSlL8KyFz4D"];_ylt=Aolt6y41BAFDcRMCViSlL8KyFz4D[/url]

that is for sure a good sighn.

I caught that on the news this morning. things deffenantly looking up, the more people who can see thought the clinton/bush propaganda and vote for Edwards or Romney the better off our country will be.
i heard it from a reliable source that romney is a nut-job [Tongue]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Gawd! I hate it when I agree with Dave! Arrgh![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I'm a Mitt man! Who would of thunk....[/size][/black][/font]
why do all your candidates think god talks to them?

hmmm lets see what he believes in . . . limiting rights of women, limiting rights of citizens, more money to corporations, less money to working folks, no universal health care, another tax break for the rich, more of the same idiocy, stupidty, and ostrich behavior we've had for 6-1/2 years . .


and w.t.h. kinda name is mitt, something reminded his dad of a catchers mitt when he popped out ????

screw him . . .

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Typical liberal response. Disengage brain, move lips. Did you know that Massachusetts is the only state in the union trying to provide health care to all without the government (us) paying for it? The only! Romney pushed and signed the legislation. Better than Hillary-Care where a giant government beuaracracy is created we foot the bill.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[url ""][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You, know, Tony, most people who say they can communicate with God, believe it. It's called prayer. If you don't believe in God, it's hard for you to believe people can "talk" with him. Spirituality is not a bad thing. Can it go over the top? Oh, ya, ask radical muslims.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]What is wrong with the current ecomomic cycle? Anyone who pays taxes and has any kind of investments is doing as good as anytime in history. You're paying less taxes and making more on your dollar then ever before. Trickle down ecomonics is in full swing and working. Unemployment is at an all time low. The only sector of the ecomonic boom that is failing is the housing market and the government did not cause that. Stupid people signing up for ARMs and not being able to make their payments for oversized houses are. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Why would I want to change? So I can pay higher taxes, let gays marry? Sorry, not my idea of an improvement.[/size][/black][/font]
first, sure i understand prayer, its pretty much a one sided conversation though isnt it, except if your gw bush, who thinks god talks to him - big difference, that gets you the funny farm if you say it to a cop and dont have any money on yah . . .

second, bush's economy is a phoney baloney economy, all propped up, sure some places have good employment, if ya like working for less than somebody who did the job in 1980 made . .

then theres that peksy deficit and debt

[url ""][/url]

a democrat will enter office in 2009 and will have to raise taxes cause like anybody knows whose racked up a little credit card debt or own a business, that interest will kill yah . .sure you can keep spending a billion a day or whatever on the war and keep giving tax cuts, but eventually, its going to come back to all of us, and you repooplicans will blame it on the democrats cause somebody they hire will have taken basic accounting and business . .

Live Now, Pay (Much More) Later

[#000000]yah your taxes went down but inflation rates are much higher than reported in the last few years, and with gas through the roof, its hurt al ot of people - food banks are swamped by families in the midwest with demand from people needing help to feed their families . . [/#000000]


[#000000]2000 FED [black][size 4]SURPLUS[/size][/black]:
[/#000000]$236.2 BILLION

[#000000]2004 U.S. FEDERAL DEFICIT
[/#000000]$412.1 BILLION

[/#000000]U.S. FEDERAL DEBT
[black][size 5]JUN 27 2007[/size][/black]
[#000000]([/#000000]$8.9 TRILLION[#000000]= 8.9 Thousand Billion = 8.9 [/#000000]Million Million Dollars)
That’s $47,000 per adult in the u.s.
That’s $94,000 per married couple

and more of our economy will be influenced by the arm scandal . . . and theres responsibility on both sides in any contract, the lenders have a responsibility to hold established lending practices too, and they didnt - dont put all the blame on folks trying to buy their first house . . .

so wait till your 'great' economy blows up, and its looking lousy right now - im glad you and yours are doing well in your area, and if its so great, expect lots of new company there soon . .

and just remember everyday bush is increasing your taxes in the future, remember that when the budget has to be balanced . . .

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]You're talking about the same economy that blew up as Bush was taking office in 2000?[/size][/font]
no the greatest economy the worlds ever known created by clinton , passed on to bush in 2001 and he proceeded to screw it to hell

as factories were leaving the country while clinton was in office, other companies were fudging books to pad thier stock sales.

I told every one I knew to dump all thier stocks before bush took office, most every one thought I was nutz. those who bothered to ask me why, I simply said I seen this twice before in my life time.

those who listened escaped a tragic colaps in the stock market that was due to criminal activity that went on while clinton was in office...

this company was one of democrat biggest campain contributors.

Enron fudged the books to increase stock sales to create campain funds for the hillary campain fund.

My unkle "a democrat, voted for clinton twice" lost an envestment of 50 thousand dollars in the enron scandle.

I am truly suprized that enron did not leak the fact of what they were doing to influence the clinton political machein. I wonder if they are expecting a full pardon once the next clinton gets in to office, only doing 2.5 years in a millionairs prison of a 20 year centance..[crazy]
dont get me wrong, those who fudged their books and suported bush did not get in to any trouble.. those were kept quiet....

there was a lot more book fudging going on than what we were lead to beleave.

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