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What's it name?
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Believe that Randall Kaufmann is the author of this fly. Care to name it?[/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=30776;][/center]
I tried to find it on line but cant.. so Ill guess.. Valentine bugger.. [sly]

that is similar to Larry Tullis's "twisted damsel" that he has on the pattern files. It does not call for the wire ribbing.

Gary LaFontaine's "Bead Headed Maribou worm" at the bookmailer

[url ""][/url]

I think the fly that Fly Goddess tied for our last fly swap...... the Hasbro is very similar to this one. She did black for us.

I would think this would be one that would have several different names depending on a part of the country you are in. But I am not hitting on what name I have seen it as before.
..on a serious note (while thinking during lunch) only thing I see is a bh red wb.. maybe call it a bh blood bugger.. [blush]

MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Well between the posts of you two guys the name is right there. BTW the recipe that I copied called for windings of copper wire.[/size][/green][/font]
gotta be the BH Blood worm then.
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Close enough. It is a Marabou Blood Worm. You win an all expense trip to your backyard for the weekend. I know that MacFly was looking forward to that trip.[Wink][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3][/size][/#008000][/font] [/center]
Yikes, [shocked] The back yard is thin air one story up.
#9 is that basically a blood red bh wb???

MacFly [cool]
#11 soon as I posted that question I knew Id get another question.. lol.. what I mean to say is that to me it looks like a red bead headed wb.. is that the way it is tied?? ... having said that I have to guess there is some variation in this fly and a simple red wb... so looks like I have some more on line work to do.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Pristina"][#008000][size 3]Actually it is a gold bead. Some times taking a picture under a high intensity lamp gets a bit distorted. Could have played around with the AWB [auto white balance] but what the hey. The recipe calls for a 3761Bl 10-14 hook. I used a Daiichi 1270 3X # 12. Color thread to match marabou tail & abdomen & copper wire for ribbing. I palmered the second layer of marabou to give it a fuzzy look.. I know that one palmers hackle but I guess that any material can be palmered. Rather a simple fly to tie.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[red][size 3]IT'S A HASBRO REDHEADED STEP CHILD! I have only heard of these things....quite rare you know.[Wink][/size][/red]
[#ff0000][size 3]On the Hasbro I take several spears of a nice long marabou feather. Tie in the tips for the tail, usually no longer than the hook, then I tie in the wire.[/size][/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][size 3]I then twist the remainding marabou and wrap it up the hook. It does get bushier towards the stem giving a nice taper to the body.[/size][/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][size 3]Then the opposite direction (will keep the fly from falling apart better if you go over rather than with the wraps) wiggling between the fibers. Tie the wire at the head then I use velcro to bush it out.[/size][/#ff0000]
[#ff0000][size 3][/size][/#ff0000]
[inline "fly swap HASBRO.jpg"]
[cool][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Ah now which came first the chicken or the egg? Any who likewise the tips of the marabou are tied in first per the recipe. I guess reason for that is to make the tail a little more durable. BTW I got the recipe from Randall Kaufmann's book Fly Tying made easy for Beginners. Received it as a gift after I first started tying.[/size][/green][/font]
#15 its all tied with marabou and no chenille like a bugger.. got it.. at some point in time (and time is the key word here) I will have to try this one too... :-)

MacFly [cool]
[#ff0000]FG wrote : IT'S A HASBRO REDHEADED STEP CHILD![/#ff0000]
[#0000ff]Its long and windy but I like that name.[/#0000ff]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Seems like everybody copies someone elses flies. Here is one called the Misfit. Also tied using olive marabou. Looks very similar to the others posted here. BTW I didn't tie this fly.[/size][/green][/font]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=30901;][/center]
...good Lord I missed her comment.. it just made my evening...[sly][sly]

MacFly [cool]

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