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Flies for the swap are out. Look for them. I will be posting stories for the vote.

...thank you for the heads up... I will be looking for them in the mail.. also.. thank you for all your hard work.. it is appreciated..

MacFly [cool]
Kewl! Thanks Katghoti. Almost done with the remodeling and I am ready for some freeze your buns off river action.
#4 freezing anything off.. thats what they make warm waders and other clothes for...[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Pristina"][#008000][size 4]Received my package today and wanted to thank you once again katghoti for all the effort & work it took getting this program organized from start to finish. As usual I guess I missed reading something in the original instructions. Didn't know that we were to submit two different flies. Also I thought that our story was to be about the particular fly/flies that we submitted for the swap. Otherwise I would have had one to include. Who doesn't have a fish story. LOL Although not quite the War & Peace version. [Wink] Okay I'm going to my room.[/size][/#008000][/font]
..two flies??? uhhh ohhhhh sounds like I may of goofed up as well.. [blush]

MacFly [cool]
I see my CRS is affecting others on this forum. One fly or two flies was brought up twice. Only one fly was required but like the swap last year several chose to do more than one.

But your memory is half working. The story was suppose to be about the fly. But if you don't have a story about the fly I guess you punt.

I never did get past the first two pages of War and Peace.
Correct, one fly was all that was required. I chose to due two because of the small amount of tyers. My prince was my "story" fly which I wrote about, the other, the Tabou Caddis, was a pattern I came across that has really worked well, is simple to tie and I wanted to share. Thanks to one and all about the flies you submitted, the stories that came with the flies had to do with the flies submitted. We should do this again (I will organize it) but let's wait until the spring.

...whats War and Peace?? [Smile]

okay... now I am anxious about getting the flies in.. if DR has his that is a good sign for me...

....I think Spring is a good idea.. maybe by then I will of had the time to sit down and learn to tie a few more flies.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
I did two cause I thought I would like to do two. Just worked out better since there were so few of us.
[center][font "Pristina"][green][size 4][blush]My fly was so small that only a trout could love it. Next time I will go big & small.[Tongue][/size][/green][/font][/center]
clouser and chrominoid??? [Smile] ( and yes I am just jealous since I cant tie either one.. [Smile])

MacFly [cool]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]I did the clouser scene. For me they are easy to tie. Maybe a Bi-Polar Worm. Gee I wonder if they use that fly in Antarctica? I also make them in red.[/size][/green][/font]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=31479;][/center]
..that reminds me that I need to make a point and sit down at my tying station and get some flies done.. I could get a lot done if life would just quit interfering with my hobbies... .[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Got mine! Very nice all. The house is one step closer and I am so ready to go try these flies. I tied two cause they compliment each other so well, and I catch equal numbers on either.
Hope you all have as good of luck with these guys.
[cool][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Hey Mcfly there is a solution to your dilemma. Retire NOW and work later. When later comes tell them that you don't remember anything. Which will probably be the truth by then. LOL[Wink][/size][/green][/font]
...hey now there is an idea..

uuhmmmmmmmmm what was the idea again?? [crazy]

MacFly [cool]
#19 your making me more anxious to get these flies... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Pristina"][green][size 4]Well you know what yours looks like MacFly. Nice job. And you said that you couldn't tie. What your shoe laces? FGD looks like they are decorated for Xmas. Might just hang them on my tree. Katghoti's Tabou Caddis looked so real that when I opened the box I hit it with a fly swatter. And Scruffy_Fly's Soft Pillow looked soft enough to take a snooze on. All very nice indeed. You all take a bow my FF friends.[cool][/size][/green][/font]

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