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Sliming Obama
[black][size 4]Sliming Obama[/size][/black]

[black][size 4]January 10, 2008[/size][/black]

[black][size 3]Dueling chain e-mails claim he's a radical Muslim or a 'racist' Christian. Both can't be right. We find both are false.[/size][/black]

[black][size 3][/size][/black][black][size 3][/size][/black][black][size 3]Summary[/size][/black]

[size 3][/size][size 3][/size][font "Arial"][size 3]If these two nasty e-mail messages are any indication, the 2008 presidential campaign is becoming a very dirty one.
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One claims that Obama is "certainly a racist" by virtue of belonging to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which it says "will accept only black parishoners" and espouses a commitment to Africa. Actually, a white theology professor says he's been "welcomed enthusiastically" at the church, as have other non-blacks.[/size][/font]
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Another e-mail [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3]claims that Obama "is a Muslim," attended a "Wahabi" school in Indonesia, took his Senate oath on the Koran, refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and is part of an Islamic plot to take over the U.S. Each of these statements is false.[/size][/font]
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These false appeals to bigotry and fear remind us of the infamous whispering campaign of eight years ago, when anonymous messages just before the South Carolina primary falsely accused Republican candidate John McCain of fathering an illegitimate child by a black woman.[/size][/font]
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[font "Arial"][size 3] [url ""][/url] [/size][/font]
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[font "Arial"][size 3]sm
It is that time of the year when anyone and everyone will slam the next in line as hard as they can just to make them look bad.

I find it ironic that the actualy people doing the slamming are the ones that are worst off in the race.[cool]
His dad was a muslim and his "step father' was a self proclaimed radical muslim. Quite honestly, he'd be better off if he were a racist christian. Try checking your sources somewhere other than fact, no way in hell they're not gonna bad mouth one of there own. I mean this with all sencerity sm. Prove it to us without a link to a dot-org. You'll be so much further in your cause to change our minds.
[url ""][/url] has no political affiliation, if you go there, you will see they slam dems and repubs evenly when they catch em in a half truth, outright lie, misleading info, bogus stats, ect

ya know like your bogus facts and bs [laugh]

the truth hurts, but it will set you free [cool]

This vet won't vote for Obama or Hillary.

I actually worked in Washington DC on Capitol Hill for 4 years. I can tell you one thing with absolute certainty.... They are all crooks Dem and Rep alike. Basicaly you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils. Hopefully someday we will get senators, representatives and a canidate for President that will do what is best for America instead of just pandering to whoever will give the most votes and more importantly the most money. It's ALWAYS about money in politics. ALWAYS.

I'm thinking a US Navy SEAL Teamleader/Officer would make an ausome President. Someone who would never betray America or give a ratts ass about being "politicaly correct". Always always doing what is right for America and never EVER giving in. The word surrender just isn't in their vocabulary and I want that kind of honor in America and valor representing me and more importantly my family.

Obama or Hillary? Please.... give me a break. They are not even remotely close to what this country needs.
we need another ellenor rosivelt....
aside from her temprance movement she did a lot for this country though her hubby who spent the rest of his days in redemption to ellenor for what happend at camp david on that dreaded day in december...

he was the only man to hold the office for 3 terms, they would have elected him again had he not put a limit on the number of terms a president can serve... he saw the dangers of some one holding office to long and the damages that could be caused...

its almost as bad as haveing presidents following the same corporate game plan for the last 28 years

I wont be voting for lazy hilleru either, she is so lazy, when she went on the same boycot as the rest of the demicratic candidates, she was to lazy to pull her name from the michigan ballot... then she dont even bother to show up in michigan to tell this state how she is going to help to get it back on track and out of the depression it is in....

the republicans had no problem with making the jump and dropping by for a couple days between NH and NJ....

any one wanna vote for the La---zy Hill....

thats all we need is a peta president along with our peta governer in michigan, we will go belly up for sure, the only thing holding michigan together right now is the sprotman fishing and hunting industry.... every thing else is shot.... tourism is so far down it aint hardly noticable.. just ask all the hotels and motels and camp grounds going out of business in michigan....

There is talk about the new Aquada coming to michigan next year, but that has nothing to do with any thing our governer has done, the company thinks this is the right spot for the remake of this vehical...

I like john edwards, I wish jeffery figer would run for president, or at least governer of michigan...
that is so true....

I see on the news she has decided to go back to bush wackin again after her loss in michigans primary, tho she won by default, Tho michigan had the third highest voter turn out, the Democrats has the lowest turn out in the state history...

Yesterdays primary was a slap in the face of all michigans residents. republicans and democrats alike. Why? they got stuck with a one sided elction for the democratic party. My mail man was so depressed yesterday he could not hold his head up... I am tellin ya from where I stand, it is hard to watch a man who has been stripped of his dignity...

because of the electoral collage, if you voted democratic at all, Lazy Hill got your vote... And that my friend can take the pride of being an american and michigander right out of a mans soal...

It is truley Sad to see a state that was going to go Obama thrown to the waist side...

Hind site beeing 20/20 they could have left Obama and Edwards name on the ballot, and tallied the no votes against the Clinton votes. tho the no votes would not count in ability of Edwards and Obama to gain michigan's democratic nomination, It would have at least givin Michigan's voters the right to speak out... and clinton would not have received the false vote count she did...

It is a shame to Watch the Lazy Hill campain, one week slander, one week rasism, one week feministic, one week un yealding tyrant, one week beating dead horses and She keeps on a changin her tactics as often as the ocean tide changes on the shores...

her only tactic it to keep the other candidates thinking she is the one to catch, when she is not, In my opinion they should turn their backs to her because she has lost all credibility as an honest, idealistic, integriable, ligitamate and trust worthy contender for the office of being a civil servant...

there is not a whole lot more I am going to say about this woman, except that, she is showing us her political game playing while runing for this office, and this being the experience she is talking about,

Mark my word, if she takes the office of president, before she leaves office we will be in world war 3... NO OTHER COUNTRY WILL PUT UP WITH THIS TYPE OF INSULT AND MONIPULATION, AND THOSE COUNTRIES WHO ARE NOT YET READY TO EXCEPT A WOMAN LEADER WILL RETALIATE... We will be the bad guys...

I opologize to any one who finds this offencive, but these are the cold hard facts in this world, We may tollerat her, but there is no way the rest of the world will... I was not wrong about bush, I beleive I am not wrong now....

I do respect the office, but by God I dont have to respect the person holding that office if they dont deserve it...

To make history is the wrong reason to vote someone in to office, Just look at the shape michigan has gotten in to since we got the wrong persons in the governers office the last 5 termsm one a man and one a woman...

This is my opinion, not the opinion of BFT...

For any one who like to post a rebuttle about this post, I strongly urge thay take 30 days to think the information over before flying off the handle...

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