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Yuba 1-13-08
[cool] [font "Times New Roman"][size 3][blue]Bassrods and I worshiped at the church of the 7th day angler today…at the Yuba chapel. Had a lot of other heathens on the ice too. Everybody seemed to be catching a few. Saw one group on the way back in from our fishing that was only fishing about 50 yards straight out from the ramp and had quite a few nice fish on the ice.[/blue][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][blue]Nice day. No wind. Took my coat off early. Only drilled three holes and Bassrods drilled a few more…all in the same area. Depth from 12 feet to 25 feet. I fished mainly with blade baits and big plastics, trying for something with size and teeth. I got some decent sized perch, but nothing big enough to eat any of them. Actually, by fishing with big stuff, with large hooks, I was able to keep the littler perch off the hook. Oh, I had LOTS of pecks and tugs, but I tried to “set the hook” only on “weight” and it paid off. My perch were from 9” to just over 11”. Bigger than last week’s fish.[/blue][/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][blue]Bassrods used mostly standard sized (smaller lures) stuff, but his fish were of a much better size today too. We will both dine well…or at least as far as a wimpy limit of ten fish will go.[/blue][/size][/font]
Looks like a nice day to be on the ice. Are you sure you didn't take one biggie and turn it into ten?(only on sunday)
[cool][#0000ff]I can only walk on water that is frozen, and I definitely can't be multiplying the fishes. No loaves neither. And, come to think about it, the wine tasted a lot like Pepsi.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Is that enough sacrilege for ya?[/#0000ff]
Nice work Pat. Looks tasty to me...
Did you fish the same spot you were fishing earlier in the week?
Well it seems that Yuba is in fine shape and the perch is doing fine TD and I hit the lake on thursday and my grandson and I hit the lake on saturday...

Then TD and I did a quick trip today and plan another one tomorrow if we can wake up that is, today was a fun trip we seen a coyote on the way down and a few BFT'ers on the lake witch was fun to meet them...
[cool][#0000ff]Nope. There were people fishing all over within view of the ramp, and everybody seemed to be putting fish on the ice.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We went across the lake to some shallow points we knew about from open water fishing. Found one point with fish on both sides and even a few in very shallow water right on top.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No toothy critters today, but one of the fish thet Bassrods brought up had some "souvenir" scars from a close encounter with something big and toothy. Probably hit Cliff's line just to escape into the air above the ice.[/#0000ff]
Ha TD you didn't post the picture of you in your long johns....[Wink]
You was take'n a picture of us so I got one of you....[sly]

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